Ok ladies, I'd really like to be more active and lose the 60 lbs I've put on in the last 5 years. I had a bit of a moment this evening when I realized that I'm only about 20 lbs lighter than 2 of the female contestants on "The Biggest Loser." I'm going to start with making changes to my eating habits (this is one of my biggest challenges), but I'd also like to find ways to be more active... I'm a very busy person and it's rare that I have down time before 8 PM on weeknights. By the time I get DD in bed and manage to get the basic household chores completed, I'm exhausted and have zero desire to work out. I'm also up at 5:45 every morning to get DD and myself ready for work/daycare. I'd like to say I'd get up early and work out in the morning, but I know that's not happening...
Do y'all have any ideas on how I can work in some activity to my day??
Re: Help me figure out a way to get in some exercise...
We just scaled way back on toys to accommodate a work out room, but I haven't gone down there yet.
My current diet consists of Aleve D and losing all of the fluid in my body through my nose.
I am no help.
I was the same way as you about it, and I always thought I was too busy for it. I get to work about 5:30 in the morning and get home around 6:30 at night. Then between keeping up on the house and laundry and cooking and DS's night routine... I was exhausted.
But someone said to me- if it is important to you, you will make time for it. So, I joined a 24 hour gym with child care. Even before I decided to do that, I started running in my neighborhood. Sometimes, I go before work, meaning I am getting up at 3:30 instead of 4:30. Sometimes I go after work and fight the crowd. But, I'm definitely doing it this time, no ifs ands or buts.
See if there's anything you can do to make your routines work more efficiently for you. Can you cook ahead and freeze so cooking takes no time at all? Can you work on flex time at work so you get home sooner at night? Can you do something on your lunch break? Can you make your commutes faster?
Anyway, I wish you the best. It is a struggle for me each day right now to not be my normal self and make excuses why I can't work out today. But you can do it! I know you can! And diet is HUGE! Great job on taking that step!
Thanks for the ideas! I'm a teacher, so I don't have a lunch hour, lol! I do have a planning period, but that's taken up by planning and getting other tasks completed. It's rare that I have down time during my work day.
I'll have to try out the commercial exercises. Even if I don't do those during commercials, I could do them in the space I have in my living room.
Food is the hugest factor in losing the weight! Moving around is a bonus... Along with trying to squeeze in some cardio, etc., you can do simple every day things like parking far away in the parking lot, always taking the stairs, walking at a brisk pace, etc.
Good luck! You CAN DO IT!
I've just started getting in exercise while LO is awake, which was nearly impossible before. I suggest Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. The videos are on youtube, and they're only 20 minutes. That said, they're not easy. At all.
I found that I can do it if I take my computer into my son's room and do it while he plays with toys. He thinks it's funny and tries to do some of the moves with me. Otherwise I'll set him up with his easel and paint stuff in the living room and do it there.
I know everyone suggests cardio for weight loss, but remember that building muscle makes you burn more calories while resting, so it's always important to incorporate strength training.
As far as eating better is concerned, I found that if I can stick to the same few choices for breakfast and lunch it's a lot easier. I'll have oatmeal, boiled eggs, or half a bagel with some fruit for breakfast, then generally something simple like lite progresso soup for lunch. If I'm hungry in between I'll eat an apple or banana. Then as long as you're having a reasonably healthy dinner, it's hard to have too many calories.
Good luck! It's hard for me, and I SAH right now while I'm on break from school, so I know it must be a lot more difficult for working moms. Gyms with childcare are a great option if you can afford it, and I would personally kill for a steam room after a workout.
Have more sex.
Sorry, its all I got.
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You don't have a lunch period? Or are you working during your lunch? I work for the school system. Granted, I'm not in a classroom, but I eat at my desk (very small snacks every 2-3 hours) and use my lunch to go on a power walk. I also get to work one hour early and power walk in the morning. So I walk 5 miles per day. I am also on a 1200 calorie diet at the moment to lose my last 10 pregnancy pounds. Tracking and weighing what you eat is the key to losing weight regardless of activity. In fact, if you go overboard with the activity, you will be ravenous, eat more, and then wonder why you are not losing weight. If you can't fit in the walk, try using the stairs in your school, several times a day. Do lunges and squats throughout the day, while you watch TV, etc. And try not to sit for long periods. Just standing makes a huge difference in calorie burning.
As for squeezing in exercise, try to work in mini sessions throughout the day. Perhaps sit on an exercise ball rather than a chair during your planning period. Always park far out in the parking lot. Go for a walk with friends rather than meeting for lunch. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Changing your diet and just moving more helps. Do you stand or sit while teaching?
I'm the music teacher at an elementary school. I do have a lunch period, but by the time the teacher picks up the kids, I have about 20 minutes to eat. I am pretty active during the school day. Being the music teacher, I'm on my feet a good majority of the day. I'm also constantly getting up and down from the floor or a chair.
Thank you for all of your suggestions. Some of them will definitely work for me (others won't, but I don't want to sound like I'm making excuses, lol!). I think I'm going to start small and work my way up. Change my eating habits and maybe add in 15-20 minutes of cardio/strength training sometime in the evening. Little changes can add up to big results, right?
For another PP, I did weight watchers in the past and managed to lose 45 lbs. I was at a really good weight for my body after that... It angers me that I've managed to put back on that 45, plus 15 more...
Get your eating in line. 3 meals, 2 snacks per day. Small portions, keep your blood sugar level throughout the day. Drink water and only water for a couple of weeks. No coffee, no juice, no booze. 2 weeks, you can do that!
Cook hard boiled eggs and put them in the fridge for snacks. Fresh veggies too.
While you are watching tv at night, try doing 'lie down, get up' during commerical breaks. To do this, when the commercials start, lie down on the floor (face down) and stretch your arms over your head. As soon as you have done that, stand up, put your arms over your head. Repeat all through the commercial break. You will not believe the sweat you will work up.
Stick to it. Don't get discouraged because the pounds aren't coming off like the Biggest Loser. 1-2lbs per week is a good result.
Alright, I just downloaded the app. I'm going to do my best to get started on the right track. It's tough... right now, I'm sitting in my classroom, just finished my lunch and trying to forget about the bowl of Hershey kisses that are sitting on my next door neighbors desk....
Oh, those are my weakness as well. Be strong!
Thanks, I know I need to get rid of the excuses. It's one of my new year's resolutions, lol! I've tried myfitnesspal in the past and it was ok, but I'm not great about being honest with myself... I told my husband last night that I really want to start losing weight and he's pretty good about being a drill sergent, but he's not always around. I'll send out a page to you if I feel like I need someone to virtually kick my butt, lol!
The new WW tracker is awesome! Also download the WW scanner app.
I'll be totally honest.
it's going to SUCK donkey nuts at first. If your diet is bad, your body has gotten used to the crap you're putting in it and you might have withdrawal type symptoms. Pack your diet full of protein to make you feel full longer and remember that the more you do it, the easier it will be and eventually the good for you stuff will be what your body CRAVES.
I'm not a nutritionist by any means, but I do lots of research and I am in the fitness field so if you want to pm me any questions, or perhaps a sample diet feel free