DD complained of a painful bump on the sole of her foot awhile back and we found out it was a plantar wart. She goes to swim class, and I suspect that may be where she picked up the virus that causes it. We took her to a podiatrist and he has been putting salicylic acid on it on and debriding it (scraping) every week or so and we have been putting the salicylic patches on it at home every day. It was working and the wart is almost gone, which is great since DD hates the whole process. Well, today I went to put on the patch and noticed a new bump nearby.

URGH! Does anyone know the typical process of plantar warts? Will they just keep popping up over and over again? (She has not been in contact with anything new that would make her get more....her feet are always covered and dry and at swim I put her directly in the water and she wears water shoes while walking on the pool deck.) Will they ever just be completely gone or will we be doing this for years now? I'm so frustrated. Thanks for the advice from anyone that has experienced this before!
Re: Does anyone have experience with plantar warts with their child?