Cloth Diapering

Reusable wipes?

What system has worked best for you for reusable wipes? I'm so overwhelmed with all the CD stuff. I know I'll settle into a routine, but it seems like a lot. 
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Re: Reusable wipes?

  • I keep my cloth wipes dry in a bin under my sons changing table, and then use a spray bottle with a little bit of soap and water in it.  That has worked great for me :)  When I use them I put them in his laundry or if they're really bad I put them in with the cloth diapers.  I rinse of all the poop before I put them in the diaper pail though.

    Good luck! 

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  • I keep them dry......I put some on the changing table and some in a small wet bag in the diaper bag for travel.  We use a spray bottle mixed with California baby wipes solution, water, 2 drops of TTO and a dab of olive oil mixed. Smells good and works like a charm!  I wash them with DS's regular diaper laundry and never had a problem with staining or stink.

    Reusable wipes are WAYYYYYY easier to use than disposable wipes and much better at getting the poop off.  We normally only use 1 wipe....sometimes 2 if he took a major poo....but that is rare.  Before we made the switch we were using at least 4 disposable wipes for a poop cleanup! 

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  • I've settled into storing them dry and using a spray bottle.  The solution is probably 90% water, a tablespoon of coconut oil, a few drops of GFSE, and a few drops of TTO.  For the actual wipes I'm using baby washclothes that I bought from target (circo brand).  I think it was $5 for 2 packs? I fold these up and keep them along w/ my spray bottle and jar of coconut oil in an old wipes container that i took the lid off of. 


    I did try pre-wetting the wipes but it just didnt work for me. The coconut oil would harden as her room cooled down. And I felt like I was going through a ton of solution just to get all the wipes moist.

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  • I wet enough wipes for the day every morning (about 10 or so) and keep it in a sealed wipes container on the changing table. We started out using a spray bottle and spraying each wipe as needed but that was a PITA especially when also dealing with a squirmy baby trying to escape. Grab & go is key for us!
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