

Fred or Barney?

LOTR or Harry Potter?

Monica or Rachel?

shaken or stirred? 



  • Fred or Barney? Barney... Less of a control freak

    LOTR or Harry Potter? I don't think I need to bother answering this

    Monica or Rachel? Rachel. I wanted to be her when I was in college

    shaken or stirred? Shaken, James Bond style
  • Barney, Fred is a Diick. Harry. I've never read nor have I seen HP. So I just picked Harry. Monica. I appreciate her need to clean. Stirred.
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  • imagerakle99:

    Fred or Barney? - I don't know what this means-

    LOTR or Harry Potter? - Harry Potter-

    Monica or Rachel? - Neither friends was a dumb show-

    shaken or stirred? -shaken-

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Fred - He was the brains of the bunch. 

    Harry Potter - just cuz.

    Rachel. Totally Rachel.

    Shaken. I like things violent.  

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  • imagerakle99:

    Fred or Barney? I like them both.

    LOTR or Harry Potter? Potter

    Monica or Rachel? Rachel's hair, but Monica's cooking.

    shaken or stirred?  Yes

    This might be an indication I am indecisive. Maybe. Or not..

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageshanado:
    Barney, Fred is a Diick. Harry. I've never read nor have I seen HP. So I just picked Harry. Monica. I appreciate her need to clean. Stirred.
    Actually I don't care if it's shaken or stirred as long as there is a bunch of booze in it. And, yes, I quoted myself.
  • Seriously? Some of you don't know Fred or Barney? From the Flinstones?
  • Fred or Barney? I don't even remember their personalities, but I like Barney Stinson.  Barney it is.

    LOTR or Harry Potter? That's tough.  I love both.  I'm watching HP right now, actually. 

    Monica or Rachel? Phoebe.

    shaken or stirred? stirred.

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • Barney

    Harry Potter

    I'm more of a Monica, so I'll say Monica.

    Either shaken or stirred is fine. :)

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • Fred or Barney? Barney

    LOTR or Harry Potter? Harry Potter

    Monica or Rachel? Rachel

    shaken or stirred? Shaken
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  • imageshanado:
    Seriously? Some of you don't know Fred or Barney? From the Flinstones?

    I was thinking the same thing.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imagekfrix13:
    Seriously? Some of you don't know Fred or Barney? From the Flinstones?

    I was thinking the same thing.
    Gawd I feel old. Way to go Bump, you done did it again.
  • Barney. Although I do Love Lucy.
    Neither. Never watched or read either.
    Monica. I could use some organization and control "freakness" in my life.
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  • imageshanado:
    Seriously? Some of you don't know Fred or Barney? From the Flinstones?

    Oh. I did this wrong. I was thinking Fred from I Love Lucy or Barney from The Andy Griffith Show...

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  • imagerachael_c26:
    Seriously? Some of you don't know Fred or Barney? From the Flinstones?

    Oh. I did this wrong. I was thinking Fred from I Love Lucy or Barney from The Andy Griffith Show...

    It could go either way. I didn't see any rules.
  • imageshanado:
    Seriously? Some of you don't know Fred or Barney? From the Flinstones?

    I watched it, but it's just been that long since I've watched it.  It's been well over 2 decades...

    Parenting Floozie Brigades official motto:  We welcome to you the board with open legs.  Also, open beers. ~@cinemagoddess

  • imagerakle99:

    Fred or Barney? Fred

    LOTR or Harry Potter? Hp

    Monica or Rachel? Rachel

    shaken or stirred? Shaken

    m/c 2013
  • imagerakle99:

    Fred or Barney? Barney

    LOTR or Harry Potter? HP for lyfe!!!!

    Monica or Rachel? Rachel, she's more laid back.

    shaken or stirred? Whichever way includes copious amounts of liquor. Not picky!
  • imagerakle99:

    Fred or Barney? Barney because he's like a huge stoner, lol

    LOTR or Harry Potter? HP

    Monica or Rachel? Rachel

    shaken or stirred? Shaken

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  • Fred or Barney? Barney, no quesiton

    LOTR or Harry Potter? I can't choose

    Monica or Rachel? Both, simultaneously...

    shaken or stirred? does not matter
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • imagerakle99:

    Fred or Barney? Fred

    LOTR or Harry Potter? HP

    Monica or Rachel? Rachel

    shaken or stirred? shaken

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • imagerakle99:

    Fred or Barney?  Barney

    LOTR or Harry Potter?  Neither.

    Monica or Rachel?  Rachel

    shaken or stirred? stirred

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Fred v. Barney: I guess Barney. Fred seemed like a douche. 

    LOTR v. HP: LOTR. No contest.

    Monica v. Rachel: Uh... Rachel. Mo seemed a bit neurotic.

    Shaken v. Stirred: Shaken. I guess. Not much of a drinker. 

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    I used to be "Chasingthedog" but it would never let me update my profile.
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  • imageeddy321:
    Fred or Barney? BarneyLOTR or Harry Potter? HPMonica or Rachel? Monicashaken or stirred? nbsp;ShakenI'm going to bed now, for real this time.

    We are soul mates!
  • imagequidditchcapn1120:
    Fred or Barney? BarneyLOTR or Harry Potter? HPMonica or Rachel? Monicashaken or stirred? nbsp;ShakenI'm going to bed now, for real this time.

    We are soul mates!

    I just said this and then saw I picked Rachel and not Monica! To be fair, it was a hard decision!
  • 1. Barney (though Fred has the cuter kid)

    2. Harry

    3. Rachel (but Monica is funny when she says "I KNOW!!") I didn't like Monica early on....she grew on me. Rachel was cool the whole way through.

    4. Blended, no salt. 

  • imagerakle99:

    Fred or Barney?  Barney

    LOTR or Harry Potter?  Harry Potter

    Monica or Rachel?  Rachel

    shaken or stirred?   stirred

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  • Fred or Barney? Fred

    LOTR or Harry Potter? Harry Potter

    Monica or Rachel? Rachel

    shaken or stirred? Blended Stick out tongue

  • imagerakle99:

    Fred or Barney? Fred

    LOTR or Harry Potter? LOTR to watch, HP to read

    Monica or Rachel? Rachel

    shaken or stirred? Shaken


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagerakle99:

    Fred or Barney?  Barney

    LOTR or Harry Potter?  LOTR

    Monica or Rachel? Rachel

    shaken or stirred? shaken

    Lilypie - (vGZN)

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • Barney




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