My doctor told me I may go earlier with this LO. I was five days late with DS1. I'm starting to think about labor and what we will do with DS1, etc. family is three hours away. I kind of wish I could schedule it, but do not want to have DS2 before he's ready of course. I'm curious why others have done.
Re: Did you go earlier with second?
DS1 was born 5 days before his EDD but I had horrible back labor days leading up to delivery and took a long time to dilate (14+ hours, after being stuck at 1 1/2 cm for weeks prior), pushing time was about 30 minutes.
DD1 was born 6 days before her EDD, no back labor, my water broke at 5PM, pushed for 15 minutes, delivered her 7 hours after water broke. So definitely quicker the second time.
DS2 however came later and it was due to an induction. He was born 2 days before his EDD after an all day gel induction process that started at 11AM? and he was born at 2AM (roughly 14 hours again) but with one push.
Every pregnancy, labor and delivery is totally different. I will say that my recovery post-partum has gotten easier each time as I (and my body) know what to expect.
I am totally hoping that this fourth (and final) pregnancy and delivery are similar to my DD1's...having my water break really sped up the whole process for me, though I did like only having to push one time with DS2.
Good luck!
Ds1 was induced at 38 weeks 5 days, I was in labor for 9 hours. Ds2 came on his own at 39 weeks 1 day, I went to the hospital the day before because of spotting and was told I was in very early labor but sent home. I was in "active" labor with him for 12 hours. The only part that was faster was delivery, Ds2 was out in 3 pushes, Ds1 was 20 minutes of pushing.
Edit: I wanted to agree with PP who said recovery was easier the second time.
DS1: born at 40w3d
DS2: born at 39w6d
#1 came spontanously at 37w exactly
#2 was induced at 40w2d - I was CONVINCED he'd come early and I was very, very wrong, lol
DD1 was 3 days early.
DD2 was 3 weeks early.
I can't imagine this LO coming any earlier.
DD came on her own at 40w2d. DS came on his own at 40w4d.
With DD My water broke i was given pitocin and was in labor for 12 hours at 40 weeks.
With DS i started having contractions at 5pm, had him at 154am at 41 weeks.
? Voted Cool Cat ~ 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards ?
First came on his own three days before his due date. Labor was about 8-10 hours (didn't know I was in labor!:)
Second was induced four days before his due date. He arrived 5 hours after the pitocin drip started.