Babies: 0 - 3 Months


I love my DD And DH, but I'm really getting depressed living life in 3 hour increments.  Every 3 hours I hook myself up to a pump and sit there for 30 minutes and pray I get close enough to what LO is consuming so that I don't have to use too much formula.  Everything I do from eating, shopping, sleeping is based on my pumping schedule.  Like now, it's 11:30 Christmas night, LO is finally asleep and MH just laid down (after he took a nice nap this afternoon, while I entertained his mother) and I have to sit up for another hour waiting to pump again.  I'm SOOO tired and I just want to sleep! 

We have free tickets to Disney (expire the 31st) and MH had the great idea to go and take pics of animals to decorate DD's room, with the camera we got for Christmas.  My initial thought was wow great!!  But on second thought, how am I supposed to pump and store the BM through a day at a theme park?!

Here's another instance of the limitations my life has become with pumping! **sniff, cry, scream, cry.** 

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    Disney has great hospitality so I imagine they have at least one "family" bathroom that you can pump in. Also a cooler with freezer packs should do ok to store your BM while at the park and last time I was there they had locker rentals you can stash everything in.

    It is more work but at least you could still go to Disney.

    Sorry you are feeling so down.

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    I know how you feel about the limitations that nursing and pumping bring. I too was really stressed out, it actually has gotten a lot better recently. But if you're unhappy and depressed then honestly I would consider formula, your happiness is important too and your baby will be happier if you're happy.I commend anyone who attempts to breastfeed or pump, but it's not for everyone.
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    I know how you feel about the limitations that nursing and pumping bring. I too was really stressed out, it actually has gotten a lot better recently. But if you're unhappy and depressed then honestly I would consider formula, your happiness is important too and your baby will be happier if you're happy.I commend anyone who attempts to breastfeed or pump, but it's not for everyone.

    Lurking again (I'm just so anxious to be here!), and I agree with this. I was able to EBF my daughter, then pumped when I went back to work, but if a pumping schedule is eating into your life and happiness, then you should reconsider. I'd rather feel relief at being able to go out, do things, and sleep at a proper hour, than feel stressed out about needing to pump. Are you nursing at all, or exclusively pumping? Maybe you could even cut down the pumping sessions so it's not so overwhelming, and supplement with formula the rest of the time. Some is better than none, especially if trying to stay formula-free is stressing you out so badly.

    Good luck!

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    I know how you feel about the limitations that nursing and pumping bring. I too was really stressed out, it actually has gotten a lot better recently. But if you're unhappy and depressed then honestly I would consider formula, your happiness is important too and your baby will be happier if you're happy.I commend anyone who attempts to breastfeed or pump, but it's not for everyone.

    This. Are you EPing, or nursing too? I had feeding issues with DS and he eventually wouldn't nurse. I realized pretty quickly that I couldn't hook myself up to a pump 8 times a day and still fall short of what he was eating. There's nothing wrong with mixing formula and BM either. You have to do what gives you overall happiness so you can enjoy time with your baby too.

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    i was an EP after nursing didnt work out.  i can completely relate to feeling attached to the machine, but i did it because of the benefits.  i eventually felt that it was taking over my life and was not enjoying my baby as much.  for instance, i would pump when LO napped and if there wasnt a nap i couldnt pump.  i would get stressed out of my mind worrying about supply.

     i eventually stopped and am feeling so much calmer..enjoying baby..and overall less stressed.  every ounce of BM a baby can get is good, but  a happy mom is even better

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