My girls have similar sleeping patterns through the night.. they both go to sleep and wake up at the same time.. with no problems at all.
But during the day.. Im trying to work out a nap schedule.. and it just doesnt seem to be working so great. The morning nap is the only one that is a consistent thing.. but this week Im finding one will sleep much longer at this nap. (one sleeps about 2 hrs, the other only 30-40 mins) and then the rest of the day is anyone's guess.
Id like a structured nap schedule but don't know if Im asking for too much at this age. I also have IL's and my mom coming 4 days a week while Im working so part of me thinks thats some of the issue. They are much more lenient with letting them fall asleep in the bouncy seat/ taking them out of the crib is they dont get to sleep right away.
When Im home, i wait for drowsy cues and get them in the crib right away/ Sometmes they go to sleep without a problem. Sometimes I have to go back in 8 times to give a paci/soothe but they eventually get to sleep.
What worked for you? I need some more predictability in my day.
If it helps, they are 14 weeks, 9 weeks adjusted, fraternal.
Re: Question about getting Fraternals on a nap schedule
Yes, I am folowing. HSHHT! it was worked really well.. but like you said, I may need to wait a little longer for the naps to work out.. Im glad the problem is in the day, not at night
Thank you, Ill try to be a little more patient.. your girls are adorable!!