My DD has gotten so good at basketball. She started playing in 6th grade (8th grader now) and she has played on an all-star team for the last 2 summers. She has become a great team leader and a good player. She is 6 ft tall, so that is an advantage. She is making about 15 points a game which is usually at least half the points scored. And she is an awesome defensive player. I am so excited and proud every time I watch her play.
I finally managed to get all my Christmas cards mailed. Hooray . . .
A couple of weeks ago, Betsy's teacher let her sit in her (the teacher's) chair as the class was getting ready for "circle time." Betsy immediately started holding up shapes for her classmates to identify and asking them questions about the weather and the days of the week. The other kids gave her their full attention, answered her questions, etc. Now her teacher lets her "lead" circle time at least once a week. I saw a video of it and it's hilarious.
I finally managed to get all my Christmas cards mailed. Hooray . . .
A couple of weeks ago, Betsy's teacher let her sit in her (the teacher's) chair as the class was getting ready for "circle time." Betsy immediately started holding up shapes for her classmates to identify and asking them questions about the weather and the days of the week. The other kids gave her their full attention, answered her questions, etc. Now her teacher lets her "lead" circle time at least once a week. I saw a video of it and it's hilarious.
My DD has gotten so good at basketball. She started playing in 6th grade (8th grader now) and she has played on an all-star team for the last 2 summers. She has become a great team leader and a good player. She is 6 ft tall, so that is an advantage. She is making about 15 points a game which is usually at least half the points scored. And she is an awesome defensive player. I am so excited and proud every time I watch her play.
Wow! I can't believe she is 6 ft tall! She's so gorgeous, too. If basketball doesn't work out, she could always walk the runway!
DS has had a word explosion, and the things that have been coming out of his mouth lately are hilarious. He's cut way back on tantrums since he is less frustrated. His new favorite word is "ridiculous,"
I finally managed to get all my Christmas cards mailed. Hooray . . .
A couple of weeks ago, Betsy's teacher let her sit in her (the teacher's) chair as the class was getting ready for "circle time." Betsy immediately started holding up shapes for her classmates to identify and asking them questions about the weather and the days of the week. The other kids gave her their full attention, answered her questions, etc. Now her teacher lets her "lead" circle time at least once a week. I saw a video of it and it's hilarious.
My DD has gotten so good at basketball. She started playing in 6th grade (8th grader now) and she has played on an all-star team for the last 2 summers. She has become a great team leader and a good player. She is 6 ft tall, so that is an advantage. She is making about 15 points a game which is usually at least half the points scored. And she is an awesome defensive player. I am so excited and proud every time I watch her play.
Those travelling all star teams are usually much more followed by college scouts than school ball! Keep it up, she may get a scholarship!
That would be totally awesome! She's a great student too, so I'm hoping that helps her chances of getting looked at.
We took DD to a local neighborhood that is decorated Grizwald style, complete with any kind of Christmas Blowup that you can think of. When we left, DD started naming off everything she saw. I was amazed at her memory.
Also, last night, DH farted really loudly, and DD, out of the blue, said, "Eww Daddy, you are nasty!". It was too funny.
We took DD to a local neighborhood that is decorated Grizwald style, complete with any kind of Christmas Blowup that you can think of. When we left, DD started naming off everything she saw. I was amazed at her memory.
Also, last night, DH farted really loudly, and DD, out of the blue, said, "Eww Daddy, you are nasty!". It was too funny.
DD has been in trouble at daycare a few times because she won't leave the dog alone. Today I was holding our cat petting him, and she comes running over and says, "no, no, mommy, leave kitty alone!" I assume she hears similar instructions at daycare often.
My kid can count to 16. He can't speak in sentences, but I'm pretty sure he counts appropriately. He'll do it when stacking blocks, pointing at items, or going up/down stairs.
My job is awesome and I love it especially during the holidays. We had an off-work time holiday party, catered and with an open bar a couple weeks ago. We are having a during work party tomorrow, catered with an open bar. We get off two hours early (paid) on Friday. And we have both Christmas Eve and Christmas day off paid. We are having a NYE party next Friday during work hours with apps, beer, and wine, and then we'll get out early (paid) on NYE.
Every day so far this week I have gotten up at 6ish with DS like a Bawss and played with him, letting DW sleep, and I haven't even complained about it. I guess DS has finally trained me to his schedule.
-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
Re: AW Wednesday
I got my haircut yesterday for he first time since my BFP, I went for bangs and I love em.
I forgot about it and in the middle of the night when I went pee I saw myself in the mirror and thought, hmmm I look good.
details??? what kind of cosmetic surgery!? GOOD LUCK LADY!!!!!
Awe!! Best.feeling.ever!!
Awww, yay!
I totally agree! DD has recently in the last few weeks started saying it and it seriously melts my heart every. damn. time.
Thanks, y'all!
It's a chin implant, a very minor outpatient surgery. I can't believe this is finally happening!
I'll probably do a before and after. The "after" one probably won't be for 2 or 3 weeks, whenever the swelling goes down and stuff.
Although I could post the immediate result, complete with my teeth splint and orthopedic boot. I should send that pic out as a Christmas card, haha.
I finally managed to get all my Christmas cards mailed. Hooray . . .
A couple of weeks ago, Betsy's teacher let her sit in her (the teacher's) chair as the class was getting ready for "circle time." Betsy immediately started holding up shapes for her classmates to identify and asking them questions about the weather and the days of the week. The other kids gave her their full attention, answered her questions, etc. Now her teacher lets her "lead" circle time at least once a week. I saw a video of it and it's hilarious.
Betsy is so awesome.
Nice! Keep it up!
Awe. Thanks lady! That's so sweet.
That's awesome! They say some funny s'hit!
She may be a teacher in the making! So sweet.
DS, "Hey mom."
Me, "Yes?"
DS does this all the time, especially in public and it always makes me feel good, like he's publicly acknowledging that I'm a good mom:)
Also, I have well behaved pretty awesome kids who really love each other and DH is super thoughtful of me and is the best dad I've ever seen.
That would be totally awesome! She's a great student too, so I'm hoping that helps her chances of getting looked at.
We took DD to a local neighborhood that is decorated Grizwald style, complete with any kind of Christmas Blowup that you can think of. When we left, DD started naming off everything she saw. I was amazed at her memory.
Also, last night, DH farted really loudly, and DD, out of the blue, said, "Eww Daddy, you are nasty!". It was too funny.
That is so funny!!
That's awesome! It's crazy how exciting potty activity is when you're a parent.
My kid started saying Love you, mama. She's said love you for a long time but now that she added the mama it makes my heart melt.
Also my A/S is tomorrow and I'm kind of freaking out. I get so nervous about everything being okay and the baby being healthy. :-/
I am UNDER my prebaby weight, as of yesterday.
My kid can count to 16. He can't speak in sentences, but I'm pretty sure he counts appropriately. He'll do it when stacking blocks, pointing at items, or going up/down stairs.
My job is awesome and I love it especially during the holidays. We had an off-work time holiday party, catered and with an open bar a couple weeks ago. We are having a during work party tomorrow, catered with an open bar. We get off two hours early (paid) on Friday. And we have both Christmas Eve and Christmas day off paid. We are having a NYE party next Friday during work hours with apps, beer, and wine, and then we'll get out early (paid) on NYE.