So, both of my male cats have been really clingy today and the past couple of days. Today I got a positive on my OPK. I've heard of animals sensing changes due to hormones, but not really during ovulation. Holy cow, they won't leave me alone! haha
Anyone else experience this with their pets?
TTC #1 since March 2011
BFP #1: EDD 4/16/13~~blighted ovum w/ 2 gestational sacs~~Loss on 9/18/12
BFP #2: EDD 9/3/13~~Slow HB at 1st U/S~~MMC -Loss on 2/13/13
9/13, 10/13, 1/14: letrozole + trigger + TI = All BFNs
3/14: IUI#1 letrozole/Bravelle/Menopur + trigger = BFN
BFP #3: EDD 1/27/15 Please be our rainbow! ...Team Green
Re: Anyone's pets have behavior changes that go along with changes in your cycle?
I posted something very similar to this on TTGP a few months ago.. and I got plagued with MUD comments and what not.
My dog is super mega cuddly won't leave me alone right before/during O.
PG mentioned
Not during ovulation. But frubaby in siggy was part of the reason I tested when I did, and I got a BFP. Then he wouldn't leave me alone he always sniffed my belly and smiled at it (a chessie smile). During the loss he never left my side, and would lay in bed and snuggle me while I cried. He does not usually snuggle anymore because his hips and shoulders hurt him too much, but he never complained. Just cuddled down into me and kept right by me.
They know for sure.
9/13/12 BFP 9/25/12 M/C at 6.5 weeks
***All AL'ers Welcome***
pg mentioned
my dog was really extra protective when I was pg
my cats are always clingy, so there's no change in them
My dog always starts heavy with the crotch sniff and then starts dry humping when I've about to ovulate.... I guess I turn her on She also like to eat tampons though, so I'm not so sure that's a compliment!
BFP#1 10/1/2011. Our perfect little girl, Her heart stopped @ 12w1d. D&E 11/23/11
BFP#2 3/13/12 Weird CP/Possible EP @ 6w0d
BFP#3 5/28/12 CP @ 5w0d
BFP/WTF#4 10/26/12 CP
BFP#5 12/10/12 EDD 8/23/2013
Baby Boy Born 8/22/13
I wonder what FF would do if you added "crotch sniffing" and "dry humping" to the specific symptoms?
The day the Bump died - Jasper is wise
**m/c mentioned**
My dog is absolutely like this! She is so amazing! I'm not sure that it's hormones but it is definitely how I am feeling. When I was miscarrying, she was right by my side the whole time. She behaved herself, stayed very quiet and just snuggled me. It was a huge comfort during such a rough time.
haha. That's funny about the dry humping, I guess they can sense a lot more than humans can.
Speaking of human senses... I did a search for this topic online because I have the night off and was curious. I came across a thread where some guys were saying that they could tell where a woman was in her cycle by smell (even with clothes on). Ew! I don't trust that and really hope that's not the case because it's really creepy.
BFP #2: EDD 9/3/13~~Slow HB at 1st U/S~~MMC -Loss on 2/13/13
yes! I've noticed that when I O, my german shepard sticks with me wherever I go.
pg mentioned
When I was pg last year Boomer wouldn't let me out of his sight. The pic of him in my siggy he was actually "helping" me wrap Christmas presents. I didnt know I was pg at the time but he was pretty much trying to sit in my lap. I got my BFP a few days later.
Diagnosed w/ endometriosis 12/2010 Laproscopic surgery & 6 months of Lupron
BFP 12/17/2011,EDD 8/23/12,ectopic discovered 12/29/11 at 6 weeks recieved methotrexate
Dec '12 HSG & ultrasound showed abnormalities & more endo. Laproscopic surgery in January '13 showed significant damage & scar tissue from Endo. IVF is our best shot to concieve our rainbow.
June '13 Decided to go the adoption route!
When I was Pg, my lab went through a false pregnancy! I brought her to the vet because I thought she was but I had no idea when she had contact with another dog! Anyway, her body changed and she started to protect and carry this spider toy she had. She wouldn't go anywhere without it and would sleep with it nuzzled in her belly and cleaned it for hours! It was so bizarre. The vet said it is more common than you think.
BFP #1 9/1999. DD Born 6/7/2000
BFP #2 10/2011. EDD 7/11/12. MMC discovered 11/2/11. D&C 11/4/11.
DX PCOS 10/2012.
BFP#3 1/11/13. DS Born 9/17/2013
BFP#4 9/30/17. Grow baby grow!
~Everyone Welcome~
BFP #2: EDD 9/3/13~~Slow HB at 1st U/S~~MMC -Loss on 2/13/13
Wow, I've never heard of that! That's pretty cool, you must have a very close bond.
BFP #2: EDD 9/3/13~~Slow HB at 1st U/S~~MMC -Loss on 2/13/13
I think this is true. Our dog was super clingy during my pregnancies and my m/c.
BFP: 2/4/13 EDD: 10/11/13
Patiently waiting for Buggirl to join me!!
Beta #1 11dpo:89 Progesterone:38.9 Beta #2 18dpo:1940
HB seen at 6w HB 8w 5d 176bpm! Its a BOY!
grow rainbow grow!!!!
All Always Welcome!!
Yeah I want to respond to all of these....
I am convinced duke (in sig) not only knew when I was pg, but also knew something was wrong. I started bleeding on a Sunday and he wouldn't leave me alone, even tried to get in the recliner with me. then while cooking he kept nudging my belly and making his chomp chomp noise.
I O'ed Friday of this week, he has been clingy today, but I also have a headache so I am chalking it up to that. He is always right there when I am sick. Funny thing is, he is DH's dog, they were together 6years before I came along. But he has become mama's baby now.
9/13/12 BFP 9/25/12 M/C at 6.5 weeks
***All AL'ers Welcome***
BFP #1 9/1999. DD Born 6/7/2000
BFP #2 10/2011. EDD 7/11/12. MMC discovered 11/2/11. D&C 11/4/11.
DX PCOS 10/2012.
BFP#3 1/11/13. DS Born 9/17/2013
BFP#4 9/30/17. Grow baby grow!
~Everyone Welcome~
Pg and MC mentioned....
When I found out I was pg my mom's dog did not come near me at all. She normally is all over me and loves when I come over. While I was pg she did everything she could to stay away from me...
I also have 4 dogs and when we went thru our MC Fenway my Boxer would not leave my side. He would freak out if he was outside for too long and couldn't be with me. He would freak out if I would leave the house for too long. He wanted nothing to do with DH. All he wanted to do was lay with my and snuggle with me. He has never acted like that before and after about a week or so he stopped. I truly believe that they can tell something is different with us.
BFP# 2 3/9/13: EDD 11/12/13 m/c 3/15/13 @ 5w3d
RPL testing shows one copy of MTHFR gene mutation.
My rainbow baby Isaac has arrived!
I've heard of behavior changes in pets during pregnancy, but not during O. I guess it's possible.
Also, my cats are selfish jerks - they are completely useless when it comes to emotional support. Tradesies, anyone? I could use a live O/BFP predictor. (Though yours might take that job title a little too seriously, Kat! :P)
TTC since March 2010 ~ Dx Unexplained IF September 2011
2011: IUI + Clomid = CP#1
2012: 3 more IUIs + Clomid = 3 more CPs. One on-our-own pg, also CP
2013: BTB IUI + Lupron/Follistim/Prometrium/PIO = CP #6
IF testing, RPL testing, Autoimmune testing = all normal
So lost.
In memory of Corbin Scott 10/28/11-12/3/11. Heaven got another angel the night you left this world behind Heaven got a little better the day it took you away from me Missing you tonight, see you again sometime For now I'll close my eyes and dream of heaven tonight I'll love you forever I'll like you for always Now and Forever My baby you'll be
There is some scientific credence behind this, although it is more of a subconscious thing due to pheromones. But men can subconsciously distinguish between different cycle stages because of the pheromones that women emit during those stages. It is not "sniff, sniff" you're ovulating lol but their arousal levels and things are subconsciously changed. I can't remember the exact details, but in one of my classes at school we discussed a few studies on this topic.
Last week all signs were pointing to O and before I even brought it up to DH he started asking why I was wearing perfume. I rarely wear any, since I'm in the salon all day my nose is assulted to all kinds of smells. Any how he said I smelled sweet and my smell was making him want me. But I know that when I get AF HIS smell is intoxicating.
9/13/12 BFP 9/25/12 M/C at 6.5 weeks
***All AL'ers Welcome***