Two Under 2


i don't know how to search forums so sorry i'm sure this has been asked to death...

what do you do when LO bites you!? i'm a SAHM so he hasn't learned it from other kids - i've never seen him bite anybody and he's not a big chewing kind of kid with everything in his mouth.

he was mad at me because i took my phone out of his hands (he RARELY gets to hold it) and tried to head butt me...i made him sit for a minute in time out and when i picked him up he was crying so i thought he was putting his head on my shoulder...guess not! bit me!!!

i tried SO hard not to bite him back or pinch him haha but seirously...he's now in his crib with nothing and crying. i'm just walking away from the situation cuase i'm not exactly sure what to do....

he's only 19 months so i know tantrums are normal but how do you handle biting and any advice to curb it???

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Re: biting?

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    My younger son bites a lot.  It's very normal because they don't have many ways to communicate.  Sternly saying no and walking away (so he understands that if you bite, mommy goes away) are both good options.  It's a phase, but it isn't fun.
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