Baby Names

Persian Version of Kian

We are facing a bit of a challenge with the name we have chosen if we have a son.

We love the name Kian, and this spelling is also our preference, however there are two equally correct pronunciations (one is the Gaelic pronunciation (like Ian with a K in front of it); one is the Persian pronunciation (like 'key'-'on' the 'on' would rhyme with John).

We'd actually prefer the Persian pronunciation because both my name and our other sons name have Persian pronunciations and meanings (we're not Persian, but have names that work in several languages, including Persian), and also because the Persian pronunciation would sound very very similar to the Chinese name we've chosen (he'll be 1/2 Chinese).

My concern is that if we spell it in the common way, Kian (which by the way is the common anglicized spelling in both Gaelic and Persian), people will always assume it to be the Gaelic version and pronounce it that way. In Persian, it is also often times written as Kiyan.

Do you think we should just go ahead and
(1) spell it Kian (but correct people to have it pronounced in the Persian style),
(2) spell it Kiyan (which is another common spelling version of the Persian name/pronunciation),
(3) or do a different spelling (like Keon- which would take away from the authenticity of the name in some way since it wouldn't be true to it's roots as a Gaelic or as a Persian name, but would clearly be pronounced correctly)?

Re: Persian Version of Kian

  • 1 spell it Kian but correct people to have it pronounced in the Persian style,

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  • Spell it Kian. The other spellings you describe do not make the pronunciation much more obvious.

    Besides, the difference in pronunciation you describe is very slight. If your son is interacting with speakers of many different languages, he will soon become comfortable with slight variations in pronunciation. And if people are way off, you can correct them. It's not a big deal.

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  • Keep Kian. Some people will have to be corrected, but it's not a big deal. He'll introduce himself using the right pronunciation. Only would it be a question when his name is written first.
  • I don't know if this will help or not but my son is named Kian (spelled this way). He is almost 4 years old and we have never had anyone mispronounce his name. We pronounce it Key-in. So you might be correcting everyone if you want it pronounced the persian way.

    I'm not sure if you watch So You Think You Can Dance but they had a contestant on this past season and his name was Keon, with the way you pronounce it.

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  • (3) or do a different spelling (like Keon- which would take away from the authenticity of the name in some way since it wouldn't be true to it's roots as a Gaelic or as a Persian name, but would clearly be pronounced correctly)


    I would spell it Keon. Kian, to me, would be pronounced Key-in.

  • Spell it Kian. I know a Persian guy named Kian and I really like the name. My name is a common biblical name and people still get it wrong.
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  • As for the Kiyan spelling, I would say Kie-yon, so I think that would throw people off.

    I have a friend whose son is Kian/Key-ehn and have taught a Kian/Key-on. I don't think the name is very common, so both times I had the parents pronounce it for me.

    I don't really like changing spellings of names- it makes them seem "fake" to me, but I think you have have to correct people sometimes. If that bothers you, I would select another name.

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