I posted a few nights ago about a dog we took in. After 2 days, we found a home for her last night. (FB is good for something after all).
We took her to the new families home and she played with their 2 small kids and it was awesome.
It was really bitter sweet though. She is an incredibly docile and sweet dog. My wife and I became pretty attached to her after just 2 days lol. If we didn't already have 3 dogs, a cat, and just about 5 weeks away from a baby... we would have kept her in a heartbeat.
Glad she is in a good home though and all is well.
Re: Virgil Has A New Home
So great! Did they tell you what they were going to name her?
We didn't tell them we called her Virgil lol. We told them that the person who found her told us her name was Sallie but she didn't respond to it.
Aundrea is friends with Blair and his wife on FB, so I am sure we will get to find out soon and see pictures of her over time!
Very sweet. She had a great Christmas this year.
Oh, I will be asking. We are FB friends and I have dude's number AND I know where he lives. I will find out how Virg is doing. In a totally legal, non-creepy way. lol.
No one was looking for her. The lady that dropped her off had found her. She asked around if anyone knew her in our neighborhood. One guy said it was a friend of someone in the neighborhood who lived a couple counties away and wanted to get rid of her. Apparently just turned her loose in our area.
The woman says she took the dog to her house but her current dogs wouldn't let her in. So she brought her to us and we took her.