Cloth Diapering

Anyone have experience with Rumparooz?

Any likes or dislikes that you could share would be much appreciated. TIA!
After 2+ years TTC, 1 miscarriage, & 3 failed IUI's... IVF#1 worked! DD born 2012
2013 FET#1: BFP, but we lost the baby at 12 weeks
2013 FET#2: BFN
2014 FET#3: BFP, but our sweet baby was born sleeping at 33 weeks
IVF#2: BFP! DD born 2015
2017 IVF#3: BFN
2017 IVF#4: BFN
1st Dx = Unexplained IF, 2017 Dx = DOR

Re: Anyone have experience with Rumparooz?

  • Loooooved the LilJoey newborns. 

    I liked the regular Rumparooz OS pockets ok. They are well made and the inner gusset is great for runny poo containment, and their MF inserts are some of the most absorbent, IMO. But folks are right when they complain about a strangely short rise, and they just didn't fit my girls great. I sold off the 6 I had. 


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    What it's like to cloth diaper twins, Part I.

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  • I loved them when DD was an infant.  They didn't leak.  They were quite bulky, but I didn't mind.  The rise is super short though, so DD grew out of them by 7 or 8 months.  She was also very chubby as an infant, so I'm sure that contributed.  She's slimmed out a lot now, but I haven't re-tried the RaR on her. 
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  • I just registered for the XS assuming my twins will be a small birth weight when born and my OS Flips start at 8 but seem to need a chubby leg to really work. I'm hoping to see good reviews here. I've only come across two in person who used them for NB and they LOVED them.
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  • These are one of my favorite pockets. The double gussets trap everything. The inserts are the best MF ones I have. Many people complain about how they run smaller than other brands, but my 20 month old still wears them with no issues. They are narrower through the crotch, which gives us a better fit than our BGs. The TPU makes them stickier to stuff, but I just put my hand between the insert and the TPU.
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  • Agree with PPs in the rise. DD is 6 months and we stopped snapping down the rise 2 months ago. The legs fit better now that she is thinning out, but I'm sure she'll be out of them by 8 months. The gussets and general quality are great tho, and I liked having some pockets to try in the newborn phase (only my Charlie Banana and Rumpz pockets fit her before 2 months) so that was another plus.
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  • My LO is 17 days old and we bought a dozen more Lil' Joeys as those and premie GMD prefolds are the only things small enough to fit her. She is on the smallest snaps of the Lil Joeys so I suspect that they will continue fitting her for some time. We also have a few OS Rumparooz but obviously have no experience with those yet.
  • I got my first RaR as a freebie a couple months ago and I like it so much I ordered a bunch more during their black Friday sale.  My little guy is less than 2 weeks away from his first birthday so I have no experience with the diaper in the newborn stage, but I can tell you I've had no issues with leaks.  He's on the second smallest rise setting as an almost 1 year old.  He has a skinny waist but meaty thighs.
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  • I got one RR as a gift and loved it as soon as DD was able to wear CDs. It was my fav CD, so I bought a few more used. I have read that the low rise prevents their usefulness in the older CDed babies. But, for now, they are still my fav diapers that I own. 
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