
Pregnant on Mirena

Has anyone ever heard of someone getting pregnant on Mirena? I just got it and am still worried about getting pregnant.

Re: Pregnant on Mirena

  • There is no birth control that can prevent 100% of pregnancies. Even Mirena. I don't know anyone personally, but I'm sure that it has happened.

  • It can happen.
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  • imagejess60:
    There is no birth control that can prevent 100% of pregnancies. Even Mirena. I don't know anyone personally, but I'm sure that it has happened.

    This.  No BC is ever 100% effective.  I don't know anyone in real life, but if you google "pregnant on mirena" you'll find plenty.  Check for your strings often.  Let your dr know if you don't feel them or if you are having pain.  That's about all you can do.  You can have DH suit up if it will make you feel better...but that's no fun for anyone.  Stick out tongue

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  • I have a friend who got pregnant on it. But we're talking about the most fertile girl I know. She has a pill baby, an IUD baby and a vasectomy baby!!!!
  • imagesynchrosally:
    I have a friend who got pregnant on it. But we're talking about the most fertile girl I know. She has a pill baby, an IUD baby and a vasectomy baby!!!!

    Man, that is crazy! I thought I was bad with my pill baby...

    To OP, I have heard of people getting pregnant on Mirena. That was my main reason for staying away from it as my bc. I only say this because my son was conceived while I was on the pill and I heard getting pregnant while on Mirena is usually not good.  

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  • *blushes...raises hand* Ummm...yeah. No birth control is 100 percent.


  • Yep. It definitely can happen! I'd just do what PPs have said about tracking your cycle and not DTD on your fertile days/around ovulation.
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