
Tips for motivating kids to get dressed in the morning?

Eric and Kyle are both physically capable of dressing themselves (taking off their pjs and getting on their new clothes on their own).  Often times, prior to my bedrest, I would do too much for them and rather than picking the battle of making them get dressed on their own (and waiting on their snails pace), I would help them so we could get out the door in the morning.  Well, now I can no longer help much and we are REALLY trying to get them to do it on their own.  OMG- it takes them forever.  They drag their feet, they resist, they avoid it at all costs.  DH is losing his patience quickly with them in the morning and I feel helpless.

We're doing sticker charts for good behavior (helping mommy, listening well, helping each other, etc.) and each is excited about working towards a special reward when they finish their chart.  They know they get a sticker if they can get dressed without being asked repeatedly to do so.  But that's not really working now.  We've tried making it a race between them and daddy to see who can get dressed the fastest (this really used to motivate them).  We've even resorted to time out if they won't cooperate (which I hate to do).  Ugh- I don't know what else to do.  How do we make getting dressed independently less of a battle and more just part of their daily routine?  ANY suggestions are welcome.  I hate this being such a source of tension every morning :(

Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005

Re: Tips for motivating kids to get dressed in the morning?

  • I could have written this (minus the bedrest part!).

    This is a struggle for us every morning as well. My husband works nights so it's usually me doing everything all morning for myself, and both girls. I've tried the "race" game w/DD (she's 3.5). Some days she's totally into it, others not so much.

    Sometimes I turn the tv off until she's dressed. She gets a "sleepover" with me one night a week - so I threaten that a lot.

    I hate doing time outs as well, especially in the mornings. I'm trying to get OUT the door, not prolong it another 3 minutes!

    Basically, no real advice. I just go through my litany of items and one or another usually works. Handling just one 3 yr old is tough enough every morning,  I can't imagine how difficult it would be with 2!!

  • I know it sounds mean but my kids don't get breakfast or anything else until they are dressed. I will say that it's easy peasy in the mornings around here.

    Good luck!

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  • Make them into 4 yo girls!  Stick out tongue

    Seriously, I don't know, my DD1 gets dressed immediately every morning and changes 2-3 times a day.

  • imagegracendantho26:

    I know it sounds mean but my kids don't get breakfast or anything else until they are dressed. I will say that it's easy peasy in the mornings around here.

    Good luck!

    This has been working on Miles for 3 days now!!

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