Parenting after 35

Santa Visit=Fail

Major league meltdown when it came his turn to talk to the Claus couple.   Too bad the video camera was still in my pocket.  It would have been a viral video for sure.

Boy climbed up me like a monkey up a tree, shrieking at the top of his lungs.

And how was YOUR day?


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Re: Santa Visit=Fail

  • Peachy. I got to get the girls on Santa's lap for pics last weekend. They wouldn't leave him alone. Today, today was fun. I am not actually sure if I got anything productive done. But I've got whiskey and Dr Pepper, cleaning, so it's all good.
  • Oh, wish you had caught that!  Awesome.  Both of mine did fine with Santa this year.  Kind of miss the crying ones though.  Or the dirty looks.

     Unfortunately work is going super crazy so I'm on my last thread of sanity.  Worked through 5 of my "vacation" days thus far and today as well.  Tomorrow I have a call.  It's ridiculous.

    DD -- 5YO
    DS -- 3YO

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  • BB, our last year's pic was like that, there is next year!  Today, we had fun, swimming lessons, indoor playground, then napped, & local holiday parade. Worked on my calendars on shutter fly. Tommorow is church & cleaning & decorating for the holidays. I'll be pooped on Sunday night, just in time to go back to work! 
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  • Mine is only 3 months old, so she just tried to eat Santa's beard! We are doing Christmas pictures today!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image
  • We did a Santa photo over the weekend. What did DD1 ask santa for? Pebbles. Not sure if you have them in the US, but essentially she asked for M&M like candy and that was all, bless her little heart. 

    Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

  • We didn't do the Santa pic for the first Xmas - I wasn't comfortable placing my 2 month old in the hands of a stranger.

    We did it last year, though, and my boy did great.  His photo is fab.

    We are going to do this years' on Friday.  I am keeping my fingers crossed htat he does a good job again.  I was always good for Santa, Easter Bunny, etc., but my sister was a huge bawler.

    Son #1 is already 2! Not too much longer until Son No.2 arrives! Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Oh no! Poor C.
  • Its funny how some kids react.   My sister's little girl did the same thing like Santa was some kind of monster.  She talked all the way in the car how she was going to tell Santa what she wanted and she was so excited in the car (she is 3)  then when she saw the Santa she cried as her mom was putting her in his lap and latched on and said NO NO NO we just looked at her and could not understand.   So of course her mom took her away.  When we got back into the car to go home I asked her why?  She said I dunno but mommy can you send Santa my letter?  Of course my sister told her;    I have 2 sons who when they see Santa they run up jump on his lap and give him a big hug.  My boys love Santa, my sister said the next time you take the boys to see Santa I want to go with you with my daughter so she sees how everything is okay.  I have lots of pictures of the boys professional and me taking pictures but my poor sister only has 1 when she was a baby.  Next week all of us are going so hopefully she will have a good one this time around.   
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