1st Trimester


Hello everyone. I’m not sure what I’m looking for… maybe I just need to vent. I’ve been spotting for a week or so during my second pregnancy. I was worried a bit just as everyone is when there is blood in early pregnancy but I also bled with my first pregnancy. I went to my first ultrasound on a Tuesday and baby was measuring 9w2d (heart rate 170) and 10 days behind my original estimated due date according to my period. Anyways, the same week on a Friday the bleeding progressed and I had a big wet spot in my underwear that worried me even more. I showered, changed, and laid down for a bit then decided I should put on a pad to monitor since the bleeding was more severe than the other days. I went to the bathroom and when I peed I felt a gush of heat and a huge clot come out. I immediately panic and call my husband so he can see if I’m overreacting or if we need to go get checked. He comes in, I stand up and I gush out more blood so we decide to get going to the ER right away. After lots of waiting they ordered an ultrasound and thankfully baby had a heartbeat. They didn’t say much other than that everything looked normal with my ultrasound but they charted baby at 9w3d (heart beat 153) and I would technically be 9w6d. I also have a cyst on my right ovary that wasn’t mentioned at my ultrasound on Tuesday, and a “small subchorionic hemorrhage.) Blood work showed I was low in iron, hcg 52,511, and possible infection (more on that in a sec.) They then did a urine analysis which was bright red in color and hot. Findings that were concerning were: infection, tissue, & the blood. I was sent home with antibiotics for that infection & increased risk of miscarriage. I am still bleeding and clotting but nowhere near the size of the picture which was the initial clot that occurred before I went to the emergency room. This experience has all been completely new to me as I didn’t bleed this much with my first pregnancy even though I also had a SCH. Has anyone experienced this with success? Other than bed rest & hydration will this lessen and leave on its own? I will follow up with my OB as soon as I am able to but I’m just confused, scared, and worried as anyone would be. Any advice or similar situations? Even if they ended with sad news… I just want to hear similar things and google gives me nothing. 
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