This is DS's first year in Preschool. He has a main teacher, an assistant, a special educator and an SLP. Before kids I was a teacher and loved gift cards, but I just cant afford to get them all more than $10 or $15 each. I feel like that's not enough. I think I'll do a $10 gift card to a local bakery and then local jam or honey or something like that.
What are you doing?
Re: What are you getting/making for teachers?
I'm a teacher too, but I think I see things differently than you. I hated getting gift cards... I think they are impersonal and don't really show any appreciation, but rather, "I was at the grocery store and in a passing thought remembered I needed to get my kid's teacher something to show they are appreciated... Let me pick up a Starbucks gift card and sign my kids name to it." Not my thing. My kids and I went to Ulta and picked up soaps, lotions, manicure kits, etc. We then went and bought gift bags together, baked cookies together, and made cards for each teacher together. They love being involved and are so excited to give their teachers their gifts. It's not the cost of the gift, it's the thought. I've received hand written/drawn cards from kids with absolutely no other gift attached,and those are the ones that I have kept, that meant the most to me, and are the students I remember!
Also, I'm not a big spender! I looked for deals and shopped when they happened.
It is our preschool's policy that a collection is made and a gift is bought for the classroom. They specifically state no gifts be given directly to the teachers. So we will contribute to that. Probably around 30 dollars.
For DD's center (where DS went for four years), we are buying lunch for all of the staff one day in the next few weeks. There are 15 teachers and this is likely our last year there. Many of them have been like family to my children and this is our way of saying thank you.
Preschool teachers are getting $50 cash each and a card.
Kindy teacher is getting hand-made card.
I take it you're not very impressed with the K teacher
I'm the opposite of the pp. I am also a former teacher and I LOVE gift cards. So I give gift cards
Usually about $25. Last year I did Target for Christmas and Kohls for an end of the year gift.
i like the kindy teacher fine but she makes $50K at least with benefits and a pension, the preschool teachers work 12 months a year with no pension and limited benefits and probably top out at $30K.
The preschool teachers are under paid in my opinion and so I think a small holiday bonus is the least I can do.
Thanks for the thoughts ladies.
I am going to do a small gift that I think each would like, personally picked for them. Then a small gift card so they can treat themselves. Plus a handwritten note from me and a card from DS (most important!).
I love these two beautiful children!
I always give a GC to Target for my kid's preschool two teachers, probably 20 and a homemade card from DD same teachers DS had for 2 an 3 years. If the Kinderarten does a collection I will participate and buy a book for the class and have DS make a card which will be cool this year because his teacher has him loving to write so he can kid spell the whole thing on his own. If no collection I have no clue.
Last year, DS had 3 teachers at day care. I got them each $15 to Old Navy. They are all young (20s) and I thought - what the heck - it's not a lot but it could buy a scarf or something cute there.
As a teacher, I love gift cards. So, that's what I went with even though I couldn't get each of them a significant amount.
almost every teacher I know, says gift cards and that they dislike getting soaps/lotions, notecards etc. they'd rather get a GC.
Last year, I got DD's main teacher a 50 GC to Target and the other teachers in teh same grade got 20 ones each. I gave everyone sincere thank you notes too.