I jump from here to the April/May boards to Pregnant after IF, but thought this was the best place for this question.
So today I had my 18 week u/s to check on babies (I go every two weeks) Baby A's blood flow was abnormal, but she said that abnormal blood flow (in twin to twin) is usually what follows one or two other symptoms and not usually the main one. What I am wondering is has anyone had a "off" u/s and what happened? Has anyone had any experience with Twin to Twin? I hate to "google" becuase I know I am just freaking myself out, and even though the doc brings it up I shouldnt panic until I go back next week?
Egg Donor 4 Times!
Stopped BCP December 2009
3 rounds clomid unmonitored through OB = BFN
IUI #1 200mg Clomid (IUI) - BFN
IUI #2 200mg Clomid (IUI) - Chemical
IUI #3 Cancelled (IUI) - Overstimulated
Follistim Round #1 (TI) - BFN
Follistim Round #2 (TI) 125iu's day 3-11, high estradiol CD7, CD9 u/s shows lots of follicles doing nothing, adding Repronex and lowering Follistim dose starting CD9. Repronex for 4 days. Trigger Shot pm of CD 12; BFP 9 dpo! Beta 8/21: 48!! Beta 8/23: 113 Progesterone=39 First U/S 9-10 at 6 weeks 4 days = Identical TWINS!!!! Baby A & Baby B measuring 6 weeks 2 days HB of 126 & 132 SO excited and NOT EXPECTED!!!!

Re: Question on Twin to Twin Transfusion
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
<a href="http://s568.photobucket.com/albums/ss122/AliceNP/?action=view
I'm being monitored for TTTS too. The doctor said that the fluid levels, although technically normal right now, Baby A only has 2.17cm and Baby B has 6.57cm (if one is less than 2 and the other is greater than 8 is when they worry). So there is a discordance there they want to keep an eye on. She mentioned that fluid discordance is usually first, then issues with the blood flow via doppler readings. I'm just not there yet.
I hope things reverse for you. Nothing saying living humans always follow the rules when it comes to symptom order.
TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption!
Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!
Thanks ladies!
she didn't say what kind of flow, and if she did I was still concentrating on her first statement. She told me not to go crazy looking online that there was an abnormality but they will monitor it and try not to worry. Lol yes that is so easy to do!
its just hard not to worry.
extra prayers for you!
babies fluids looked good she said, I think. Oh man.
Thank You!!! I go in every two weeks for monitoring, and since they saw the abnormality I will go in this week as well (so a week since my last u/s) plus I will start having u/s at my OB appts too so they can check my cervix. Never thought I would get to see the nuggets so much but so happy that I do!
I know there are options JDE'Nae so glad to see everythign worked out!
Thanks everyone!