Maine Babies

14 hours!

That's how long she slept last night. She fell asleep at 5pm and didn't wake up for 8 hours (1am) and then again after 4 hours (5am) and then after 2 more hours (7am). Is that even normal? Is this part of the 6-week growth spurt?? She's definitely been more hungry too. Now if only I can shift her to do that 8-hour stretch when I do!

Re: 14 hours!

  • Sounds normal, especially if she was waking for feedings. Aidan basically slept and ate for the first 8 weeks of his life! Enjoy :)
    Aidan Jake 7/25/08 Cooper Cole 7/27/10 Tessa Morgan 8/9/12
  • I don't have any answer but can I just say how GORGEOUS she is :)  The picture of her in your siggy is amazing! Big Smile
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