I am planning on wearing DS most of the time once he gets here. Also, I was planning on getting the JuJuBe Be Prepared diaper bag. However, I started thinking about wearing my K'tan or ring sling with a shoulder bag like that. I remember the messenger bag with the Ergo and was a huge PITA. So, should I stick with the Be Prepared or go with the smaller BFF for the back pack option?
Also, we will be CDing exclusively and hopefully BFing for more than a year.
Re: Those who baby wear
omg I thought this was the ACTUAL KC and I almost died.
woulda been funnier if it was...damn.
Avery - 8.2.07 | Asher - 5.12.10 | Audrey - 11.28.12
Yeah, I was thinking of maybe doing the BFF. That way I had multiple options. I already looked into the pink room to see it all packed up. So it could work.
I'm more than a little turned on by this.
Well, I think it's decided then. BFF it is! We are finishing all of ordering tonight since DH put it off forever. Gotta love having contractions and shiz puts some fire under his butt.
I was really leaning towards the Iconic one. You know gorilla holding a hotdog. We did the BFF. The Pink Room shows it packed like 10 different ways with cloth. Seems to be the best choice.
Yes! It's loud, obnoxious, and kind of funny. So it's totally me! I just never thought about baby wearing when doing a new diaper bag. Well, until I saw the pics of last years pumpkin patch trip and the uncomfortable Diaper Dude bag I had. This should be good though. I can wear it normal or on my back. Much more versatile than a regular bag or back pack. I would of done a Be Right Back, but for some reason the Toki Doki one doesn't have the one pouch with the clear bag like the had in all the packed pictures. It was just a back pack, but a cool one.