Baby Names

Grandparent Sibsets

Because I am bored and think the results will be interesting, what are/were the names of your grandparents and their siblings? "Old people" names seem to be all the rage, so maybe some of you will get an idea or two.

1. Beatrice with the nn Buddie, Sylvia, Annette with the nn Honey, Hunce and Irwin
2. Jack and Jennette
3. Audrey, Robert and Gene
4. David, Sam and Zelda

I think it's safe to say that a few of these won't be making a comeback anytime soon!
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Re: Grandparent Sibsets

  • 1. Joey and Jackie (both girls) Joey is my guilty pleasure.

    2. Richard(***) and Marilyn.

    3. Patricia and Steven.

    4. Russell and seven siblings I don't recall names for!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Love: March 2010  Marriage: July 2013  Debt Free: October 2014  TTC: April 2015
     BFP: April 10, 2016 EDD: December 19, 2016 Team Blue!
    Oscar born November 20, 2016 at 35w6d

  • Marie. Sibling Joseph (Joey). Sort-of siblings (long story) Loretta, Margie (with a hard "g"), William (Billy), Mary.

    Raymond (Ray). Siblings Carlin, Michael (nn Mickey), Matilda (nn Tillie)

    Margaret. Siblings Joyce, Georgina, Duncan

    Blandford. Siblings (??) I actually have no idea if he had siblings, and if so, what their names are/were.

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

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  • James Michael. Sibs William, Catherine, and Vera.

    Christina Albina.


    Frances Lettie. Sibs Albert, Bernard.
    ~~Kelly~~ Mommy to Aiden 6/2007 and Lilah 2/2010 BabyFetus Ticker
  • 1. Joan- sister's Barbara, Florence, Mildred (nn Pete) and brothers Michael & Silas

    2. Frank - sister Anne

    3. Marie - brother John

    4. Paul - brothers- Michael (Mickey), Eugene (Yano), Stephen, & Joseph 

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers 

     Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Blogging about boobs, babies, bed lust & everything in between since 2007.
  • Arthur, Robert (Bob), Douglas (Doug), Francis (Frank)

    Ada Jean (goes by Jean), Doris, Allan

    James (went by Sonny), Katherine

  • Carol and Donna

    John and William (Bill)

    Mary Katherine and 16 other names which would take way too long to list

    Maryland (Merle) and 13 other names which I don't know most of. 

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I come from huge families so I'll just do my mom's mom.

    Annie, John, Aaron, Bernard (Ben), Katharine (Kay), Cornelius (Corny), Frank, Elizabeth (Beth), Mary, George, Margaret 

    BFP#1 11/25/11 EDD 08/09/12 MMC 01/30/12 D&C 02/01/12
    BFP#2 09/11/12 beta1=72 @13dpo beta2=160 @14dpo beta3=over 6000 @24dpo U/S @7w2dd hb=146bpm U/S @8w5d hb=159bpm U/S @12w hb=164bpm
    EDD 05/20/13
    My Ovulation Chart
  • My two grandfathers are only kids (Richard and Robert)

    My grandmothers had a lot of brothers...

    Gladys, Clifford, Russell, Lawrence

    Betty, Frank, Larry, Johnnie 

    #1 7/2013
    #2 3/2015
    #3 3/2017
    #4 10/2019
  • This will be long as we are blessed with big family and access to grandparents for lots of family history info!

    (Maternal) -
    1. Shirley Elizabeth, Joesph Allen, David Bruce
    2. Garvis, Garland, Glenn, Gordon, Carl David

    (Paternal) -
    1. Pauline, Betty, James, Paul
    2. Falustino (Richard), Elizabeth, Ruth, Daniel, Rebecca,

    1. Jo Carol, George
    2. Willard Russell, Sharon

    1. Mary Katherine, James Ethridge, Ann Elizabeth, Sonny
    2. Manness, Meade, Mose, Mann, Merlin 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • 1. Jeanette, Robert, Shirley

    2. Eva, Lena, Harry, Peter, Jules

    3. Claire, Evelyn, Joseph (Joey)

    4. Bernard, Edith 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 1. Kenneth (Shorty), Charles(Stumpy), David(Dave), Vivian(Vi)

    2. Phoebe (Phe), Phyllis(Pete), Margaret(Peg/Peggy)

    3.Leona(Lee), Geraldine(Gerry)

    4. Raymond Dwight  (Ray/RD)

    If somebody thinks they're a hedgehog, presumably you just give 'em a mirror and a few pictures of hedgehogs and tell them to sort it out for themselves.-Douglas Adams
  • Grandma Angiolina, sibs Salvatore, Pasquale, Giuseppe, and Josephine

    Grandpa Beniamino/Benjamin, sibs Mary, Armand, Americo, and Rudolf

    Grandma Dorothy, sibs Marie, Edna, Michael

    Grandpa Pasquale, sibs Philip, Dolores, Gloria, and Michael
  • This is a great idea! Maybe we need to use great grandparents too.

    Robert, Marcia, James, Alta, Shirley, Scott, Gerald, Mary Lou, Edith, Eileen
    Waiting for #3!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Hey chibride4, nice to see you on the board again! Big Smile

    1. Mary (Ann), siblings Anne, Helen and Thomas.

    2. Joseph, siblings Michael, Patrick, Agnes and some others I am drawing a blink on.

    3. Ernest

    4. Edith


  • Betty, Ted, Fred and Al

    Phyllis, Jack, Tom and Helen. 

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  • Most of my grandparents have a TON of siblings! Here are the ones I remember.

    1. Marie, Loretta, Theresa, Dolores, Alberta, William, Clement nn Clem, Gerald nn Gerry, Louis nn Lou, and two other boys' names I don't remember
    2. Joseph, Lawrence nn Larry, Rose (not sure if it's short for anything), not sure about the others
    3. Olga Grace nn Gay, not sure about her siblings
    4. Robert nn Bob, Franklin nn Frank, Joseph nn Joe, William nn Billy, Margaret nn Margie, not sure about the rest



  • My grandparents, great grandparents, and sibilings. June, Yvonne, Charles "Bud", Dorothy, Audrey, Thomas, Rae, Jimmy, Peter, Lenore, Wesley, Dealie, Dandy, Denaze, Anastasia, Neal, Johnathan, 

     My DH's grandparent and great grandparent..and the sibilings I know.
    Lloyd, Margie, Red, Owen, Lowen, Sadie, Homer, Nancy, Faye, Christine, Miley, Dealie, Katherine, Dosh, Mahalda, Jackson, Minor, Vernon, Frances, Sarah, Pauline, Melvin.

    My brain hurts now and I know I missed a bunch.

    June 2006-married Bug... April 2009-gave birth to Pinky... January 2012-gave birth to Cakes
  • imageaimee1899:
    Hey chibride4, nice to see you on the board again! Big Smile1. Mary Ann, siblings Anne, Helen and Thomas.2. Joseph, siblings Michael, Patrick, Agnes and some others I am drawing a blink on.3. Ernest4. Edith

    Thanks! I've been bitten by the baby naming bug lately and thought I'd play with you ladies for a little while.
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  • 1. Bonnie, Margie, and Sharon

    2. Charles, Leon, Joann, and Gerald 

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Anniversary Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • 1) Geraldine (only child)

    2) Mario, Anthony, Salvatore, Michael, Emily, Mary, Anna (there were 13 children in my grandfather's family and sadly this is all I can think of)

    3) Mary, Louise, Gerald (there was one more, can't think of it)

    4) Nicholas (don't know his siblings names) 

    Edit: MIL's mom had a cool sibset: Vivian, Ruby, Henriette, Estelle (there were more but don't know them) 

  • Me:

    • Dorothy Mae, Richard (obvious nn), Leo (Bud)
    • Margaret and Ralph
    • Paul and Mildred (uhg!)
    • Martin (only child)

    I only know one side of DH's family.  Super amazing Italian names:  Isabella, Angelo, Carmine, Concetta.  Love them!!!  They were all Americanized later in life but the family tree was recently released with birth records.  I swoon over of the original names.

    together since 2006
    full time stepmom to SS1 and SS2 since 2010
    married since 2011

    TTC since 7/2011 (no planned bc since 2008)
    HSG 11/2011: one blocked tube
    S/A 2/2012 and retest S/A 3/2012: normal
    Bloodwork: normal
    2nd HSG 5/2012: clear
    Femara cycle 5mg #1 7/14/12 + IUI #1 7/23/12 = bfn
    New RE appt 8/14/12
    IVF #1 meds 8/30/12. ER 9/14/2012: 7 retrieved, 6 fertilized. ET 9/19/12: 1 perfect embryo 5dt.
    Beta #1 BFP! 97
    Beta #2 234
    Beta #3 4937
    ultrasound #1 heart beat 127
    10/20/12 graduated!!!
    EDD 6/7/12
    Team PINK!!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Anna, Ray, Oberia nn Obe (female)

    Freno, Jake, Jack, Fred, Jane, Katherine nn Kate, Foy, Robert nn Bobby

    Margaret, Calvin, Dale, Francis (female), Glenda, Forrest

    Glenn, Katherine, Anne

    BFP 1/8/10, MC 1/15/10 | BFP 3/20/10, MC 6/24/10 | BFP 12/13/10...EDD 8/22/11...DD born 6/7/11 @ 29 weeks 1 day Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Bernard and Robert

    Anita and Charlotte

    Winifred and Julia

    George and ?? (not sure if he had siblings)

    Lilypie - (KNqh)
  • Sterling - Twin brothers Luthus(nn Luther) and Lambous, sister Glory Anne (nn Gloranne), and brother Buck (don't know real name). Anne Ruth - brothers Robert and John Henry. Bertha - don't know sibling names.
  • Shirley, Agnes, Marlene, William, Dan, Stanley 

    Robert, Raymond, Lillian, Walter, Henry,  Sophie

    Nancy, William, Robert, Fannie   

    Lowell, Inez, Wesley, William, Vanessia 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My maternal grandma: Charlene nn Penny, Raelene, Colleen, Delphine nn Dee, Kathleen nn Buttons, Joseph nn Joe

    My maternal grandpa: Dennis Robert (only child)

    My paternal grandma: Darlene (I don't know much about my paternal side of grandparents)

    My paternal grandpa: Kenneth nn Keith 

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Davide and Anna


    Michele and Rosa

    Almira, Yolanda, Juan, Vicente, Rafael, Teodardo and another one I don't remember

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers Anniversary
  • Dad's side:  Celso and Maria Felix, sibs - Candy, Hortencia, Elsa 

    Mom's side: Richard Dean and Betty Lou, sibs - Shirley, Sandra Jean, Charlotte, Maxine, Darlene, Charles

    Step Dad's:  Charles Ace and Bernice Kay 

  • Linda Joyce(Grandma) Ralph, Donald.

    Nicklas(grandpa) He has like seven siblings. No idea what they are.

    Dorthey Pearl (Great Grandma)

    Cecil Lee (Great Grandpa.)

    Dh and I are goin to use Joyce as a MN for a little girl. That or Pearl

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  • Hester, John, Leslie (m), Adam

    Robert (Bob)



    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker - Your personal anecdotal evidence is so much more relevant than this legitimate scientific study.
  • 1. Geraldyne and Benjamin

    2. Branislaus (Bruno or Brownie), Helen, Julia (my Grandpa ended up with the cultural name haha, he was the first, and they had just moved to the US)

    3. Thomas (no siblings)

    4. Ethel

    My DH's (he can't recall any of their siblings except one):

    1. Ruth

    2. Norman and Mary Lou 

    3. Evelyn

    4. Frank 

  • Mom's side: Vasiliki Josephine, Margaret Elizabeth, Stamatia Jean, Katherine Anne, Chrysso Sophia and Mack Peter

    Vasiliki is my Nana.

    Bernice Corban. My Papa was ten years younger than the rest of his siblings so I don't know that I have ever heard their names

    Dad's side: Isabel Olivia, Louise Ann, Albert Dennis, Sandy Jane, Lyndola Kate and Thelma Jean

    Isabel Olivia is my Grandma

    Eugene. My grandpa was an only child and he didn't have a middle name

    SO's Mom's side: Shular. She was an only child

    Percy. He was also an only child

    SO's Dad's side: Sylvia, William, Valkie and Wanda

    Sylvia is SO's Grandma

    Samuel Preston and Jim

    Samuel is SO's Grandpa.

    We don't know an middle names on SO's side except his grandpa's on his dad's side.
    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

    Birdie born 05/01/2007
    Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017                                          

    Potato Launcher

  • Marvin, Jack, Mary Jean

    Dianna, Kathy, Linda


    Anneliese Olive 11/5/09
    Hazel Dianna 1/8/11
    Luna Valentine 4/25/13

  • Alright, let's see what I can remember here.

    Ruth - Sylvia, Edward and Albert

    Philip - Morris and Jenny (there are two more boys and I can't for the life of me think of their names).

    Albert - only child but he lived with his cousin, Harold, who was like his brother

    Laverne - June and Florrie (not sure if that's short for anything) 


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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker      

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 1. Charles, Larry and John (Jack)

    2. Mildred, Emma, Bernard, Jacob, William, Paul, Dolores, Sandra, Kari and Barney. Some of these are NNs or names they chose to go by, I don't know all of the given names... just that one of them was originally named Warren and he went by one of the above.

    3. Eleanor and David

    4. Fay, Doris and Mary 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    12/1999: Dx with Endometriosis (age 12)
    5/2001: Ruptured appendix, massive scar tissue
    6/2005:Dx with Interstitial Cystitis
    9/2005: Gall bladder removed due to problems from cysts
    7/2006: Officially Dx with Fibromyalgia (age 18)
    2/2010: Partial left ovarian torsion

    10/2012: SA = Low Motility
    11/2012: Surgery #5 to remove scar tissue & paratubal cyst
    HSG: Right tube blocked; unable to clear
  • 1. Elnora, Morton

    2. William, ?

    3. Carl, ?

    4. Ethel, Ruth, Dorothy, Irene, Lawrence, and 2 others I can't remember

    Both my grandfathers passed before I was born, I honestly don't know much of anything about their families


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    3T's Traveling Ovary Blog
    7DPO Progesterone: low. CD3 BW: normal, HSG: clear
    DX: severe MFI (low all 3) and low T. Undergoing replacement therapy.
  • I love this thread! 

    Mine are:

    Morris and Doris (I would totally eye-roll at this on someone's kids today, but I kind of love it on them)

    Maxine (only child)

    Ruth with Harold, Raymond, Art, Wayne, John, Frank, and George

    Max with Delbert, Ellis, Wilburn, Aubrey (M, NN Red), Loren (M, NN Shug like the first syllable of sugar), Jack, Paul, Gilbert, Willa, Lola, Hope, and Rex (NN Pete, for no discernible reason).

    FKA mimi4347: diaper rash magician and unofficial expert on excrement
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    This kid may not have a lot of bowel, but he has plenty of guts! 
    DS born at 34 weeks with (surprise!) gastroschisis turned short bowel syndrome.
    131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
    We are impatiently awaiting the day we can say goodbye to his girlfriend Ivy for good.
  • I have limited knowledge about siblings, but I have some winners with my grandparents names...

    Florence (siblings Wilma, Grace, Harry, Peter)

    Marvin (unsure)

    Othmar nn Ole (Angela, Roman, Arthur and many more...)

    Ardis (Gudrun, Harry, Eivind, Camilla, Roanhild)


    BabyFruit Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • 1. Faye (my maternal grandma), John, James

    2. John (my maternal grandpa), James

    3. Marjorie (my paternal grandma) not sure of her siblings

    4. Charles (my paternal grandpa) not sure of his siblings


    BabyFetus Ticker Daisypath Anniversary tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • 1. Patricia, Janet, Mary Alice, Everett (M.A. and Everett are twins.  Everett nn Bruth)

    2. Alvin and Robert

    3. Margaret, Dean, Jean, Patricia (nn Pat)

    4. Charles (nn Chuck), Harlan, Wayne, Raymond (Shoot, I'm forgetting a couple.  My grandpa Chuck was oldest of 7 boys.  They all passed before I was born.)

    BFP 2/14/08, DD1 born 10/11/08 (natural); BFP 5/16/10, DD2 born 01/12/11 (c/s, breech)
    TTC #3: BFP 4/27/12, Ectopic 5/16/12 Expectant Management, 8/15/12 Cleared to TTC
    BFP 9/25/12 EDD 6/6/13, Shooting 3-for-3 from the line: It's a Girl
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