Recommend yours please. DH and I are trying to register for one, but we don't really know where to start. We were thinking a light weight at first, but now we are leaning towards a travel system.
The only time we would use it is going shopping which is not very often. Baby would go in a carrier when grocery shopping and running quick errands.
Help and TIA!
Re: Strollers?
We have the Graco Metro Lite and the mclaren quest - which I LOVE! I still kinda wish I would have splurged and bought a Bugaboo, but I live in a big city and use my stroller all the time.
Biggest suggtion - get a light-weight stroller. I thought about getting the heavier Graco and am SO glad that I listened to my sister and got the lighter one.
If I had to do it all over again, I would either get a Combi stroller with compatible infant car seat, or a Combi stroller with a convertible car seat and just use the sling when we went places.
DD was on the larger side and that carrier got heavy quickly.
Well, we have a Bugaboo which I love but is innapropriate for your situation.
I would recommend a snap n' go for while they are in the infant seat and then a Maclaren Quest.
We have what devonpow suggested; a snap-n-go and mac quest. I really think it is the way to go if you don't live in a metropolitan city. We also have a jogging stroller (bob.)
I would not get a heavy stroller. I had a Bumbleride Flyer and sold it because it was so heavy and cumbersome.
I really liked my Graco travel system. We mainly used it for walks or shopping. My dd used the carseat part when she was small and the regular stroller for when she was bigger -- at 2 1/2 she now walks.
It is a little heavy, but I drive a SUV and getting it in and out was no problem for me.
It is very roomy and can carry all my "stuff". I am saving it for my next child -- whenever that may be!
If I were you and needed a stroller for walks around the neighborhood (do you live in a suburb?) and shopping at the mall, I would buy the Metro Lite. This fits the carseat for an infant carrier, reclines, has the tray, and is pretty light weight. When your DC gets older (1 yo+) you may decide you need the Quest, but you may be good with the Metro Lite.
My main reason for liking the Quest is that it is lightweight (I have to carry it and DD up/down lots of stairs), it is narrow (so we fit better on the bus/subway), and it gives her an alternative (she is in the stroller a lot and so if I change it up a bit she tends to be happier).
If I had it to do over again, I would go with an Inglesina Zippy or something similar. Carseat compatible and I think it now has a tray (I'm anti-tray myself, but that is a personal preference). I also think Zoopers are overlooked - Macs are just so widely available, but INglesinas and Zoopers are highly rated by parents as well.
I have an Inglesina Swift as my lightweight stroller. I really like it and it was cheaper than a Mac (I got it 1/3 off,too). It replaced my Graco Mosaic travel stroller. I needed something even smaller to lug in and out of the backseat of my Beetle.
I loved my Graco Quattro Tour when I only had one child. ?I get by without it now, but I do miss it! ?I didn't care that it was huge. ?I loved that big basket, the parent and child trays, and that it laid all the way back. ?There was a time, between about 4 and 7 months, where Evan could either stay in the carseat clicked into the stroller, or he could sit up in the stroller seat. ?It all depended on whether he was asleep or awake when we got to where we were going. ?For that reason, I'm glad we got the travel system and not the snap 'n go with the lighter stroller. ?Unless you carry both of those around with you, you're locked into one or the other. ?
My favorite part was definitely the huge basket. ?I used to go grocery shopping and fit a ton of groceries down there.?