
First time posting in preemies, daughter born 10/27 due 12/06

Hello everyone, Because of severe preeclampsia I had to be induced at 34 weeks because my liver started to overwork. My daughter spent 13 days in the NICU before coming home on the 8th. This whole experience is something NOBODY can understand unless they've lived it, I'm sure you all can agree. I know 13 days isn't long compared to some babies NICU stays but it was still the hardest thing I've ever experienced. From seeing her hooked up to the CPAP, IV's, Monitors, in the isolette, everything just broke my heart everyday. I got to stay in the hospital for a week in a boarding room but then had to go home, which was an hour away from the hospital. I never missed a day going to see my little girl, but since it was an hour away it was only a couple hours a day and I felt like a horrible mother. Leaving her there in the hospital while I went home made me cry every single time. She was born 4 lbs, 5.8 ounces 17.75 inches long at 12:17 pm on 10/27. I didn't get to hold her, dad didn't get to cut the cord, and I didn't even get to see her until 7 pm that night. I didn't get to hold her until the next day. The whole situation took so much out of me, I felt like a failure. She lost alot of weight at first, only being fed sugar water through an IV, but when we went home she was at 3 lbs 15.2 ounces and now is 4 lbs, 7 ounces. She'll have been home for a week tomorrow! The struggle isn't over. She sometimes refuses to eat, and feeding her is scary everytime! She doesn't have the suck, swallow, breathe down 100 percent yet and ends up choking like everytime she's fed. Every time losing her flashes through my head :( No visitors, which can I say, you think people would understand but I still have family and friends MAD that I don't want any visitors. I know they want to get to know Alexia but they should understand she still shouldnt even be here for 3 more weeks, her immune system is underdeveloped, its that season where sickness is going around, and plus preemies just get stressed out easily by too much going on. They aren't thinking about her well being they're thinking about themselves. I'm so glad there is a preemie board because as a first time mother, who knew nothing about preemies to begin with, I have ALOT of questions and could use the support. Hope everyones babies, new and olde are doing great. It's crazy how strong these little boys and girls can be. <3
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Re: First time posting in preemies, daughter born 10/27 due 12/06

  • Welcome! I'm so glad to hear you daughter is home with you. This board is awesome! Everyone is really supportive and caring. No snark and no drama! So ask questions and vent when you need to. We've all been/are there. 


    Stay strong with visitors. People don't understand. You will hear that you are bing overprotective and guess what you are... For good reason! It's a scary time of year and preemies are at extra risk. So do what you have to. They will get over it.


    As far as eating, is she drinking from a bottle or breast?  maybe we can offer some tips/advice! 


    Our little hippo was as impatient as mom!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

    Hoping for a full 40 weeks!! 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • Just wanted to say hello and welcome. I rarely post but the dates on your post caught my attention. My LO was due 12/3 and came 11/1- three years ago though! It's a rough time of year to have a preemie, especially when they are near term. People don't understand that "close to their due date" doesn't really matter when it comes to lung maturity. We had a lot of people pissed about our visiting restrictions. Adult siblings who didn't meet our son for 6 months because we wouldn't allow their school age kids to come over. Their loss! It sucks though. Stay strong. :)

    PCOS dx 2008 | BFP #1 2/26/2009 with Metformin
    Owen Matthew 11/1/2009 4lbs 10oz 16.5in
    Born 5 weeks early by C/S | Severe Pre-Eclampsia
    BFP #2 5/1/2011 | M/C @ 7 weeks | D&C 5/25/2011
    TTC #2 | HSG Clear | SA 2% Morph otherwise great
    3 failed Femara/TI cycles moving on to IUI
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  • Welcome! I have a very similar situation. My baby was born 11-3 and I was due 12-4. After my emergency C-section, I saw her for a second on the table and then I didnt see or hold her until the next day. Noone but us here know how it feels. Its the worst feeling in the world. Just work on those feeding and get those calories into her Smile
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