I had my 3rd and final growth scan today at 36w3d. Baby is measuring in at 8lbs, 11oz according to the scans(I'm also aware that these scans aren't 100% accurate). I spoke with my doctor who told me that he thinks baby is probably bigger than that, and closer to 9lbs. His head was measuring greater than 41.4 weeks, and they couldn't get an accurate read. He has suggested I look at a c-section rather than trying to deliver vaginally. This is my second baby. The DS1 was 8lbs, 15oz at birth, and I was induced with him at 39 weeks. I do not have GD, but I am GBS positive (not that any of that really matters..just some background).
What are your opinions? Would you try to go vaginally? I'm just afraid of trying to deliver vaginally and end up in a c-section in an emergency type of situation because the baby is stuck. I also don't want to have a c-section to be told that the baby is 7lbs. I'm kind of at a loss.
Re: Would LOVE some advice from BTDT moms..
I was told LO was already 10 lb at 37 weeks with 99% percentile abdomen. Delivered an 8 lb baby two weeks later with a big but not freakishly large belly.
I would never schedule a c-section based on a growth scan (my LO was footling breech). C-sections suck, chances are you won't get to hold of BF (if you want to) your LO right away. My recovery was great overall, but I had to stay in recovery for three hours while they tried to regulate my BP and pulse. It sucked. I still find it miserable to think about and I still mourn not having experienced labor.
Good luck with your choice!
It's a tough decision. My SIL went through the big-baby growth scans. At 36 weeks, the baby measured about 8 and a half pounds. They decided to get to 40 weeks and figure it out from there. The 40 week scan showed baby at 10lb 9oz.
Knowing scans aren't 100% accurate, my brother and SIL decided to go ahead and have the c/s that day. Baby was born at 10lb 6oz.
So yeah, they can be off. But they can also be pretty darn close.
Why won't they do another scan in a couple weeks?
Thank you for this. So far, the only stories I've heard are ones of the opposite happening. I'm glad to know that sometimes they are correct. They were correct for my MIL as well (19 years ago..).
I'm not sure why they won't. They never said they wouldn't, I just assumed it was my last since he's already discussing the c-section. Maybe I should ask that at my next appointment!
It sounds like you delivered a 9 lb baby already? I personally wouldn't schedule a c/s. If you are going through labor and he doesn't seem to be descending, you can always make the call then. But I'm not one to elect for major surgery if I don't NEED it.
Talk to your doctor at your next appt. It's possible you also go early and deliver another baby the same size.
Yes, I did. I think what I'm afraid of is he's already that big at 36 weeks..he's only going to get bigger by 39 (when they would either induce or peform c-section). I definitely plan on speaking to him further at my next appointment. He was in a MAJOR hurry today..I think he must have had to go deliver someone, because he was in and out in a matter of 3 minutes. And that was with a GBS test and checking for dilation.
I totally agree. I plan on having my mind pretty much made up, and then once I talk to him at my next appointment, I'll let that cement my decision.
Thank you!
According to my OB, I'm the first patient whom she has encouraged to have a c-section just due to the size of the baby. LO had measured 3-4 weeks ahead via ultrasound since 10 weeks.
I also would NEVER schdule a c section based on an u/s late in pregnant. At all. Especially since it's not your first, your labor may progress just fine and baby may fit just fine.
I say see how it goes. If baby has distress or won't fit when you push, that is one thing, but an outright c section seems like a poor suggestion from your doctor.
DS born via unplanned C-section at 40w6d
This. even if your baby is big, you've already given birth vaginally to a large baby - your body will be more efficient this time, etc. etc. I would not want to have a c/s if it can be avoided. And also, if you're thinking about having more kids, planning a VBAC is a pain.
My VBAC baby was 10 lb, 10 oz and just under 23" long. We had no idea he was going to be that big (I refused a late u/s). I would definitely ask for more of them, as you're still pretty early.
Good luck!!
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
While I have not really BTDT, my situation is somewhat similar.
My first was estimated at 8lbs 10oz and was born 9lbs.
I had fourth degree tearing, over 30 stitches, an episiotomy and a vaccuum delivery. After three hours of pushing, I almost ended up in an emergency c-section. Not sure what your first delivery was like but my recovery was hell and took months.
This baby is measuring large (having a scan next week) but she is estimated to be around 9lbs as well. My doctor has given me the choice to have the c-section or to try to deliver naturally. His concern is that the scar tissue will tear again and cause more problems for me, longer healing time and might end up in a c-section anyway.
I am opting for the c-section (after much debate). Taking care of a toddler and dealing with the pain and healing I did before just doesn't make sense to me if I can avoid it. It has been a very emotional decision (as I am sure you know!) but I think this is what is best for baby, me and my family.
Good luck to you, hope this helps a little.
Thank you for this. When DS1 was born, I had a 2nd degree tear w/a vaccuum delivery. I am sure that my body could do it again, but my doctor said that when the head is measuring off the charts like his is, he doesn't recommend trying to deliver vaginally. I'm still really weighing all of my options, but all of these posts help!
For sure I wouldn't do a C-Section based on a growth scan. I'd try to have him vaginally, and if he really wasn't fitting, then the C-Section should be the last resort. Just what I would do in that situation.
Tough question, I would try to go vaginally. with DS1 they told me he would be over 10lbs. Well he wasnt. He was 8.13 lbs but he did get stuck because of the size of his head and an induction gone bad I ended with an emergency c/s. I wouldn't have done it any other way. I was glad I tried to go vaginally but it made sense when they could tell his head was stuck to rush to the c/s. I had a repeat c/s with DS2 because again predictions were that he was over 10lbs with a big head. He was 9.1 and big old head.
I was told LO was 8lbs 11oz at 36 1/2 weeks. I labored and pushed, but LO's head ended up stuck in my pelvis. I had to have an emergency C-section and he was wedged so far in my pelvis that they ended up tearing my uterus in a couple places
It was scary.
Point of story: LO ended up being only 8lb 5oz at 39 1/2 weeks. However, his head was 15cm. If you labor and end up with a C-section then at least you tried. I hate that I ended in C-section, but if I had not tried I would have never known. Plus, now that I can only have C-sections (due to the tears) I am glad I at least got to experience labor and pushing once in my life.
I know I'm in the minority here, but I'd lean towards having a c-section. I know you can't base your decisions on 'what if's', but working in L&D, I'd be worried about a shoulder dystocia. It's a very tough decision to make, and it is your second baby, so you know you can handle a bigger baby. I'd have another discussion with your doctor. I'd be torn on this decision, but maybe because I know and see too much.