Hello! This is my first time posting on this board, but I lurk constantly. Im only 17 weeks along but I just received a gift in the mail from my MIL. I called her and thanked her upon receiving it, but I also want to send a thank you card. Do I write the thank you card and just sign my name, or do I put thank you from me and my DH? The gift was addressed to both of us and since it's his mom I'm thinking I make it from both of us. I'm just not sure if that is standard with all gifts that are received, however.
Re: Thank you cards
Old-school etiquette would be: one person writes, same person signs, with all recipients mentioned. In your case, that means the note would be to MIL, from you, signed by you, but mentioning your DH's gratitude / excitement in the note.
When you think about it, two signatures doesn't totally make sense, because the person sending the gift will know you didn't both actually write the note. One handwriting, one voice, after all, plus your DH's thankfulness can be conveyed in a sentence or two in the note, rather than by his signature. Still, I doubt very seriously anyone would fault you for having two signatures - but it's just an unnecessary extra step IMO.