
C section in 7 days.

In a first time mommy, and I'm so lucky to be having twins. Love my boys.

I'm terrified to be having a c section... Could some of you twin mommas tell me how yours went?

I know the end result will be my 2 beautiful boys, but the in between is what's scaring the crud out of me..

What's a C section like? How was recovery? What happens if my stitches pop? Are my guts going to fall out? I don't like the idea f being cut open, and I'm sure my anxiety will be out the roof. What meds would they prescribe? Anxiety and pain. Will any of them effect the babies via breast milk? When do I get to hold my boys? Will I miss that "sensitive" window when the first bits of bonding happen?
I will be 37 weeks 2 days, what will my body do in reaction to delivering before it says so? Are 37 weeker babes much different than 40?
Ugh so many thoughts are running through my head. I just want to go to sleep and when I wake up, have them here.

Re: C section in 7 days.

  • I don't think they will give you anything for anxiety but they do a spinal and you really don't feel anything.  Right after they take the boys out I think they put some heavy duty pain meds in your IV because things go blurry at that point.  I had 2 prior c-sections with my 2 other children.  I was able to kiss the boys and see them after they came out and then my husband went with them.  I stayed in recovery.  You can ask to have your babies brought to the recovery room but some hospitals don't allow that.  I would ask though.  You can breastfeed with all the meds they give problems.  I did not have nay issues with my stiches and I think they were internal.  The surgery goes so quick and then you have your babies.....try not to think about it too much.  You will do great :)
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  • I think you need to have a realistic conversation with your OB about the Csection, since you're so nervous. No one else can make you as comfortable as he/she can.

    my OB was great, we listened to my favorite radio station in the operating room, my husband was there, and I got to hold each baby right after they were born. Then once they were cleaned off we got some more bonding time while I was being stitched up and all that. One of the nurses took a picture of me and the babies in the operating room and I have it framed in my living room. I really  had a good experience. Of course you'll be sore after, but just take it as easy as you can. Don't push yourself too hard physically, move slow, and follow the doctors orders.  

    Married 07/2011 <3
    ID Twin girls 04/2012 <3<3
    Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017  <3

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  • If you've never had major surgery before, it is definitiely scary.  You will be fine!  If you are super anxious, I bet they will give you a little something for the anxiety.  The anaestheologist (sp?) will be your best friend. 

    I have not had a c-section, so I can't comment on that surgery, but I did have a major repair of my ankle when I broke it in three places (long stupid story involving a trampoline and too much chardonnay).  I was a wreck before that surgery since it was my first one.  It was the waiting that really got me, if I was busy I was okay.  The doctor's talk to you before the surgery starts, both the OB doing the surgery and the anaestheologist.  So ask any questions you have left then.  

    I promise you will come out of the surgery okay, and don't worry about your guts falling out, they won't!  They stitch you up internally (hence keeping your guts in place) and then I'm pretty sure it's staples externally from what my friends have told me.  My only recommendation (from my experience working in a hospital on the surgical floor and the ankle fiasco) is to keep up on the pain meds after surgery.  They only work when you take them, and they really need to be built up to be effective.  If you wait until you are in pain, they won't work as well.  But keep in mind that the nurses can't just give them to you (doc's prescribe them "as needed"), you have to ask, so find out what the time interval is and keep track (or make your H do it) so you can ask for them.  You'll be sleepy after taking the first few doses, but eventually that will go away.

    Oh, i think you asked about 37 weekers instead of 40?  Twins mature faster than singletons, so they are frequently born between 36 and 38 weeks. The placenta is under a lot of stress and starting to break down, which would trigger labor likely before 40 weeks anyway. They should be just fine.

    Good luck!  You will be 100% fine and you'll have a great reward at the end! Two sweet babies!  So much better than crutches and a cast ;)

    TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption! 


    Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!

  • Thanks everyone. The c section date is sneaking up on me faster than I am ready for. I wil have a talk with my OB, and make sure to keep up On My pain meds!!
    This will be my first major surgery. I had my wisdom teeth surgically removed, and that was super scary! Lol. If you can't tell, I'm not one for pain and blood lol
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