I know i am not on here as much, well i check it often on my phone but dont post as much. So, obviously I may have missed these ppl.
But I havent seen Kimbo in a while--is she still our board moderator? Gymnst, Cvlo5, Aprilynn (finleys mom-dont remember her updated name) Jenga..the list could go on really.
Now, like i said i may have missed their posts or something. And it seems there are a lot less posting lately which is sad. Hopefully when everyone has their new LOs they post their birthstories and pictures and keep us all updated!!!!!
I hope everyone is doing well. I have been so busy with DD who is 18 months next week!! Craziness. I have lost nearly 70 pounds and am feeling great about that. We planned a big vacation to Punta Cana in January to celebrate. But then its on to TTC #2, so lets hope i dont gain all that back!!! LOL DD is talking up a storm, she has so much sassiness it cracks me up (i highly doubt i will be laughing when she is 13 tho).
WHats going on with all of you?? I am gonna try and insert pics of my LO, i havent in FOREVER...
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Re: What happened to our regulars??
[My Decorating Blog]
Almost all the regulars post on the FB group. If you want to join, send me a friends request and I will add you. Here.
It is so much easier to post over there. It is completely private and cannot be searched for. Once I have added you to the group, you can unfriend me if you choose.
I know most are on FB, but i am not on FB anymore. I used to be, but quite frankly it annoys me now (not TB stuff, but stupid annoying ppl lol) So i guess i just miss out!! Well glad to hear ppl are doing well. I have been super busy with LO too so i get not posting a lot:)
Ok I tried to send you a private message but I sent you a friend request on FB. My name is Rechelle Manning.
I would like to be added to the FB group too.
Our World!!
Blaine Emerson Bailey Rae
3-31-14 6-10-11
Proud Cloth Diapering, Babywearing Mommy to Desmond (5.30.2011) and Evangeline (2.26.2014)
Loving wife, best friend and teammate to Babywearing Daddy, Kelly (7.27.2000)
Volunteer Babywearing Educator at Babywearing International of South Central Pennsylvania
I just sent you a friend request as well:-)
Ditto. I check here fairly often, but just don't have a lot to say.
Congrats on the weight loss! Thats amazing!
Haha. I'm still here. And yes, I'm still the mod. lol. There is just never anything to mod. Things are so calm here. I try to get on and post, but I don't really have any questions and haven't had much to add. But I still like to try and check it out and see what the tried and trues are up to.
I generally participate in all the CPs on Wednesday, but don't always respond. Sorry. I know. Bad mod. ::slaps wrist:: Y'all can fire me if you want.
Oh and congrats on the weight loss! That's amazing!
I would like to be added to the FB group! I sent you a friend request - I am Sarah M.
BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w
BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w
BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d
BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
My Blog: Decorate This
Sent you a friend request too, butterfly
(Ashley B.)
DH: 34/Me: 35
Married: Feb 2008
DD: June 2011
TTC# 2: April 2014
BFP!! 8/29/16 --> EDD: 5/11/17....it's a GIRL!!!
And thanks to everyone about the weightloss: its really been a matter of weight watchers, then calorie counting and now clean eating all with exercisr 35 times a week that has done it. its been a long road let me tell ya!