Getting breakfast Sunday morning, waiting in line. Couple of girls come in, maybe teenagers, 13 at most. Flo Rida's "Blow my Whistle" comes on the radio, and one of the girls starts eagerly singing along.
Peal Clutching: Commenced. It's a catchy tune, I know. But yeah, still disturbing to me to hear someone who is basically a child sing along to a song that is one big double entendre about fellatio.
Re: My eye opening horror story of the weekend
Yikes. I'd never really paid much attention to the lyrics until just the other day. I'm far from a prude but DAMN! I turned to DH and was like "so this song's about BJs, eh?".
"Yep" was his response.
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
"Push It" was my favorite song in 4th grade. I had no idea what it was really about. 2 Live Crew was also among my favorites in Jr. High.
But, I agree about songs like that not being played on the radio. Maybe limit it to certain hours or something.
But to be excited and sing along about giving one?
ETA: I did love the crap out of "Lets Talk About Sex" when I was like... 12 (I think). I didn't really "get it". Kids probably aren't gonna run out a blow the next guy they see, but still. It is disturbing when you think about these words coming out of children's mouths. To me at least.
<---- out of touch.
Have no clue who you speak of or which song they sing.
That's my problem with it. I knew what they were at 13. But, it was the most disgusting concept to me. haha
It was a local mom-and-pop donut shop owned by these two delightful old Asian ladies. Their donuts are to die for, but their English... not so good.
We're theoretically not done having kids yet, and kinda want a girl for #2.
I guess for me I feel like boys are the ones doing the sexualizing, as apposed to being sexualized. Granted I don't know ANY 9-16 year old boys so I don't know, maybe its different now.
I also agree with Twatley, I would not be horrified to hear kids singing this song, its on the radio for god sake its probably the boring radio edit version.
I'm probably just mad no one wanted to give *me* a blowie when I was 13. It's funny how the age I started dating and being sexually active (16) is the exact age when I think it's "appropriate" for teenagers to be sexually active. Of course, I was looking at pictures of naked ladies and swimsuit ladies well before 16.
I want to say at 13 I had a vague idea what a bj was, but didn't quite understand the mechanics of the situation. I hazily recall viewing my first truly pornographic pictures and thinking "Oh! THAT'S how a bj works!".
I'm actually disturbed at myself that parenthood has made me more reactionary. Before I had a kid teenagers were just something I rolled my eyes at and sometimes found annoying when I saw them at the mall or movie theater. Now they constantly remind me that my son will be a teen one day. SCARY!
I just this second realized what shoop meant. Mind = blown.
HAHA. I always tell my husband this is how I feel about raising boys.
I never got this rationale. Maybe parents of girls wouldn't
worry as much if parents of boys didn't have this attitude.
O,h I guess he can't be sexually active too young. He
is immune to sexually transmitted diseases. He can't
make a baby.
What the HELL is not to worry about?
Thank you! I hate the double standard as if girls are the only ones to worry about, boys will just be boys and girls are somehow the gatekeepers, responsible for the boy's urges somehow as well as their own.
I still worry about my boys. Its not like I'm going to let them do what ever the hell they feel like doing. I said I don't worry AS much. I also don't have a girl and probably won't, so I don't know exactly HOW much I'd worry if I was raising one. I feel like I'd be a total basket case control freak mom if I had a daughter.
Count me not scandalized. I grew up when Madonna was in her prime and sang Papa Don't Preach at the top of my lungs. I had no clue that it was about teen pregnancy/potential abortions.
Like Twatley said, most 13 year olds know what this is about and the ones that don't just think it's a catchy song. I'd shrug it off.
Burned by the Bear
This is going to be a problem in my house. DH does not listen to song lyrics - he only listens to beats. He has no idea. He was getting ready to choreograph a dance number for middle school/high school age kids - a hip hop/break dance number - and asked me what I thought of a song - cause he liked the beat - he didn't even know the title - and just described - you know the one by Nelly Furtado with Timbaland. Guess what - the song was Promiscuous Girl - I told him - try again. You cannot use that song. I have had to explain song lyrics to him numerous times.
And, at my old job a few years back - my assistant's 5 year old was signing 50 Cent's Candy Shop - YIKES!
DD#1 born 9/29/2010; DD#2 born 2/25/2013
Did any parents complain? This is so ridiculous it
sounds like urban legend!
I vividly remember singing "Turning Japanese" when I was little.
It's not about Japanese people, BTW.
Two 13 year olds singing a Flo Rida song is only scandelous because Flo Rida is a horrible singer/rapper/artist.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
yup. I knew every lyric to every eminem song and loved it. Also, when I was about 12 my cousin came to visit from CO, she was 14 and brought a tape of ICP and I fell in love with that too and knew every lyric...
not something I would wish for DD to do, but in a lot of cases these kids don't "get" the lyrics. I'm meh about it.
I am happily ignorant about what middle schoolers do after school. I did a boatload of afterschool activities, then just wanted to play Nintendo or Magic: The Gathering on weekends with my nerdy friends. But I was shy and socially akward.
Thanks to radio edits, I *still* don't know all the words to that song!
I had to google it. It sounds like The Vapors deny Turning Japanese has anything to do with beating the bishop.
I definitely remember them playing "Blister in the Sun" at middle school dances. We all know that's about self pleasure, right?
I probably was in college before I was certain "Papa Don't Preach" was about abortion.
I have boys and I already worry about sexual pressure and peer pressure and social pressure that will come. Pretty sure they will get condoms in their stockings when they hit double digits (I jest....sort of).
As for the song....meh. For sure I wouldn't lecture the coffee shop about changing the station.
True. I remember pearl clutching about Britney and Xtina, and how they wanted us to Hit them one more time and Rub them the right way. And "Love" has been used as a substitute for "sex" forever in pop music.
this weekend at a friends house they had the 80's station on satellite and "lets get physical" by Olivia Newton John came on. I remember being a kid and loving that song. Not till I was much older did I realize what it was about. Oh the innocence of kids.
Than again at 13 I bet they knew damn well what that song was about.