November 2012 Moms

Oh HR, I think you've screwed me

Sorry... this is boring. 

So at my work, you get vacation time (paid time off... PTO) based on the hours you work and the years you have been with the company. I am trying to figure out how long my ML should be based on how much PTO I have. I can't use it all cuz I don't accrue it that quickly in my specific position, and I need to have some to come back to. So DH and I were looking things over last night and realized that I've been shorted 1 hour of PTO per pay since I started this position in June; they're giving me the rate meant for people with less time with the company. That's almost 12 hours, which is a whole day off for me! After an hour on the phone, someone agreed with me and they are trying to straighten it out. 

Really... all of this could have been avoided if the dumb company gave a shat about their employees and provided a more reasonable disability policy anyway.  Then I wouldn't care how much PTO I had cuz I wouldn't have to use it!

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Re: Oh HR, I think you've screwed me

  • HR i use to work full time and went part time when i had my daughter 2 years ago..ive been working 28 hrs a week and they said i can have fmla for 12 weeks but to get paid anything which is short term disability i have to work 30 hrs a week another girl wanted to go part time because her mom is terminally ill so we switched hours so ive been working 38 hrs a week for the past month in-order to get paid on my ML only to find out opps just kidding you have to of done that for 6 months before going on leave to get the money..even though i asked the girl on 3 different occasions if that was true..So yeah been killing myself working full time for no damn reason (im a xray tech so i dont sit all day)..oh well moneys good and it helped my coworker out too.
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