Cloth Diapering

Kissaluvs fitteds?

Re: Kissaluvs fitteds?

  • Not very absorbent IMO.
  • I LOVE mine. They fit LO the best and they do the job for us. DD isn't a super heavy wetter.
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  • They are our main diaper and we love them. I have the old size 1 and 2, but the new M/L is just a size 2 with extra snaps to fold down. They have held up really well. She was in size 1 for almost 18 mos and they're in excellent condition. Since we haven't used other fitteds (except our nighttime happy hempy) I can't compare how absorbant they are, but we've never had a problem.

    You can get seconds on their website. And, the kissas cover is my favorite one size cover. so much nicer than the sized thirsties we have

  • imageveruca5839:
    Not very absorbent IMO.

    Yep. Plain old prefolds are more absorbent than their cotton fleece fitteds. No idea about the hemp or Marvels fitteds.

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  • I loved them for the newborn phase! Just the right amount of absorbancy and easy to adjust for a good fit as well.

    After that, I had a few handmedowns in bigger sizes and gave them away. They didn't do much for me.

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