
Agency question

Has anyone used Holt International or Bethany Christian Services?
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: Agency question

  • We used neither, but there are some people here who worked with BCS.
  • I have never worked with Holt, but I am working with BCS right now, after some great recommendations from people IRL and an introductory meeting we went to.  The first meeting went really well, and I had a one on one meeting with the branch coordinator before we put in the application, and I just felt so right there. 

    We are just wrapping up our homestudy now, and have had no issues, and I really don't foresee any in the near future.  They have been really reassuring about how now that we are entering the "waiting" phase it will get quiet and it may get hard waiting, but I can always call for updates, come in and talk to someone, and they will suggests trainings I might find helpful based on what we said we were open to.


    TTC since June 2009 DX: PCOS October 2010
    6 medicated cycles, 2 pregnancies, 1 ectopic April 2011, Early Miscarriage August 2011
    7 more cycles, 1 IUI, No success after last pregnancy
    7/1/2012 No more fertility coverage
    8/17/2012 started pursuing domestic infant adoption!
    11/26/2012 HOME STUDY APPROVED!!!
    Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
    When relaxing didn't work is my new blog!
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