
Registering for Two

I'm having twins and I have no idea what to register for.  We went yesterday to look for the first time.  It's a bit overwhelming so I figured I would ask all the multiple moms here.

What do I need two of?

I know I need two of the obvious like cribs, cars seats and a double stroller but what about everything else? 

Pack n play-

Bouncer Seats-



Anything else I'm missing? 

What can I get away with one of? 

With your experience with your twins/or more, I would greatly appreciate your help.  It's a lot to register for and I would rather have our guests spend money on things I know we will use rather than items that will just sit there. Thanks in advance.

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Re: Registering for Two

  • You'll need two of car seats, cribs bouncy chairs, swings now the walker and jumper i would do one only and let them take turns. I dont  have my twins yet but I should have them in a week or so, so I can update you. I plan on keeping them on one crib for a little while so if they are the same sex you can just get one crib at first, i have one pack and play thou and no space for more. You want to make sure they give you LOTS of diapers you will need that for sure. Once you know the sex it will be easier, sheets for the cribs you might want two sets for each and I used the swaddle blankets on top of the sheet to keep them clean for longer and I changed the blankets every day so i didnt have to wash sheets all the time. (I have a 3 yr old) Changing table you only need one thou. I asked for gift cards and diapers for my baby shower and clothes for the girl, im having a boy and a girl and I have everything from my first boy so I didnt need much clothes for the boy which it was nice. It is over whelming at first but the more you think about it there is a lot you need just one and they can share and there some things that you have to get two. I hope this helps and Congratulations!!!!
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  • We have one Pack'n'Play but ended up taking it to my parents' house since we never use it. Maybe once they are more mobile? But I'm thinking we'll just do a mini-play-yard setup instead.

    We have one swing and it has been fine - on the rare occasion we've wished we had two, but mostly I'm glad to only have one taking up space. We have two playmats - play gyms? - whatever those things are called with the toys hanging down. I just got out one for the first month or so and put them on it together, but they grew out of that fairly quickly and had more fun when they had their own.

    We are getting two jumparoos now that they are older, but don't register/buy those yet since you can't use them for a while.

    We have two Rock'n'Plays and that was crucial - we used them constantly for the first three months: they slept in them, we gave them bottles in them (they are BF, but we've been doing formula supplement from the beginning), used them to read books to them and show them toys, etc. By far the most useful things we bought.

    We never bought/used bouncer seats so I can't speak to that.

    Mostly just have EXTRA of stuff - like swaddling blankets, burp cloths, bottles, cloth diapers if you're using those - register for more than you think you need, b/c you go through a ton when they're teeny.

    If you have the Baby Bargains book, they have a "registry basics" list in the back, with a multiples list with their suggestions for what to double up on. (If you don't have the Baby Bargains book, get it ASAP. It will save you a ton.) 

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  • I just registered for two of everything.  I don't expect to get or use it all, but I want to be able to use the completion discount IF I end up needing them (ex. if both kids love swings).  
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  • I registered for 2 pack n plays, but not 2 bouncers or rock n plays. We figured we would test it out with 1 of each, and buy another if both like it. I registered for 2 high chairs, 2 car seat covers, 2 play mats, and 2 different carriers (moby wrap & ergo). Obviously also registered for double the bottles, pacifiers, blankets, swaddlemes, hooded towels, wash cloths, etc.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • imagealedavidson:
    I plan on keeping them on one crib for a little while so if they are the same sex you can just get one crib at first, 

    Uh, I'm pretty sure she can put two newborns in the same crib whether they are the same sex or not.

    I already have a bunch of stuff from my boys, but I will be buying another swing since both of them loved it.  As far as bouncy seats, I will wait and see if they like it enough to decide whether or not it's worth buying another.  I have a bassinet that I loved for DS2, but I don't think two babies will fit, so I will either have to buy another one or just start them in a crib right away.  The nice thing is they let you back in the store after you have the babies, so if you don't get things  your register for you can always decide you need another of something later.   

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  • I meant for bedding/decorations... didnt meant to make it sound like that sorry.
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  • We couldn't have survived without 2 swings. I know that everyone baby is different, but I would strongly recommend having two! Maybe leave one in the box for a while until you see if you need the second...Our swings ran at least 12 hours a day for the first 3 months (they had plugs, which was nice :) )  

    Rock n plays were one of our most used baby items as well! Having two was/is very helpful. 

    Two boppie pillows are also really nice to have.  

    Lots of MoMs like ergo carriers if you plan on baby wearing. They are nice because you can put one baby on your front and the second on your back when they are a bit older. Personally, every time I have tried to wear both babies at the same time, all hell breaks loose. You can supposedly wear a twin hold with a moby wrap. Tried it...hated it.  

    We never used our Pack n play, but maybe we will when they are older--nice to have, but not a necessity for us.

    Could have done without the bouncers. Now that they are older, the jumper is great. They get tired of it pretty fast though, so one works just fine for us. 

    We only needed one play gym, but I will say that I have had to break up a few "wrestling matches" when they both had their eyes on the same toy.  

    And I know that you didn't specifically ask about it...but I will throw my two cents in for miracle blankets. Wish I had known about them sooner those first months :) Getting one baby to sleep is hard enough, when you have will use any trick in the book!  


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  • Our boys are still cooking but here is what we registered for and our logic...

    The biggest thing people have told me is if you register for two of something such as a swing, bouncer, rock in play and get them, leave one in the box just in case they don't like it.  Then you can return the unopened one for something else.

    The things I registered for two of are the  car seats, swings, rock n plays, play mats, nursing pillows and highchairs.  We also registered for two additional car seat bases so we have them in both cars as we switch so much.  Oh and two Dr. Browns formula pitchers.  This way I can mix in the morning and just pour instead of mixing every bottle separately.

    For bottles I registered for one package of each and depending on what works I will go buy more quickly.  This way I don't end up with 30 bottles that neither baby likes.  I noticed bottles are expensive and so different I didn't want to waste money here.  As far as diapers, I put a couple different kinds on our registry but again the same with bottles you never know until they are here.  I also figure people will buy diapers regardless of registry. 

    Things I registered for twice the amount - nursing blankets, sheets, swaddles, towels, pacifiers, bibs, etc.  We only registered for one pack'n'play, and infant bath thingy.  We also registered for the Graco 2n1 swings that convert to bouncers to save space.  We did register for two dsng and a regular double stroller for when they can sit assisted for outings outside their car seats.   I will purchase two umbrella strollers for when they are sitting up better.  These we can use for when both of us are out with them.

    Things that we didn't bother registering for were a changing table (they will get changed where they are as I will be home alone most the time), diaper genie (our trash is taken out daily), wipe warmer, bedding sets, and clothing (we will get plenty anyways).  I see all these as unnecessary for personal reasons and say these items are to each their own. 


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