Special Needs

Open Letter Thursday

Re: Open Letter Thursday

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    Dear H,

    Stop projecting your hang ups about DD's situation onto her. She might not get it yet, but she will soon enough.

    Yes, there are kids in her new 1/2 day program who are in wheelchairs and are unable to do much of anything. That is *not* a reflection of DD, her current or her future situations. Yes, we have a child with significant brain damage. Be grateful that she recognizes you, get's excited when she sees you, says "dada" and is aware and curious about the world around her. She *will* achieve more than you think she will. Stop putting stumbling blocks in front of her and stop setting her, and you, up for disappointment and failure.

    You're breaking my heart, your heart and you're going to hurt your little girl who loves you so much.



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    Dear Ds,

    Please stop knocking over the lamps, trying to climb on the entertainment center, and throwing the pictures off the end tables.  I know it's some of your quirks, but honestly, it frustrates me and makes me smile when you laugh while doing it.  If it wasn't every,single.night, I probably wouldn't care so much.  I don't go into your room and throw stuff around, 

    Also, please stop pinching and biting.  I want to cry sometimes, because after a long day at work, all I want to do is give you a hug, and it sucks when your response to that is to pinch me hard on the arm. 

    Love, Mommy


    Dear dh,

    I totally get that we need to be on the same page when it comes to disipline, but quit playing all good cop bad cop when it comes to ds.  It's irritating when I tell ds to stop doing something, and you just sit there not backing me up.  It's having a toddler with asd, but we both need to work on this. 


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    d.fd.f member

    First a positive,

    Dear Teachers and SpEd Team,

    Thank you for being awesome.  Thank you for truly looking out for DS's interest.  I'm a little scared to leave your shelter next year.  I've heard the stories and it sounds like our experience is not the norm.

    Thank you,

    a grateful mom

    PS I can't wait to see the goals we came up with all written up!


    Dear cold inhabiting DS's chest,

    You suck!  Your bring with you steroid breathing treatments that make DS a challenge.  And plus also even if he is bouncing off the walls I hate seeing him sick.  At least this seems to only be a once a year occurrence still zero would be better.


    an also sick mom


    Dear insurance,

    Please pretty please cover the group speech session that is more like a social skills class with an emphasize on speech.  It would be perfect for DS and EXACTLY what he needs.

    I'm not above begging and/or appealing.  


    an excited mom

     Friday ETA:  Just got a call from the SLP.  Insurance has been verified they'll cover 90%. YAY YAY YAY YAY.  I'm so excited I could cry.  The description sounds like it will be perfect for DS!  They'll play in centers, read/talk about a story, then make/eat a snack all with an emphasize on appropriate social speech.

    DS 09/2008

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    Dear insurance company,

    I would like to know why you did not cover the Botox that you authorized. You paid for the visit but did not pay the neuro for the actual Botox. You suck and if you think I am going to pay the bill for something you authorized and therefore is covered then you have another thing coming.  You are potentially hindering my child. I do not appreciate it.  Again, you suck.

    Waiting not so patiently mother


    Dear drivers who cannot seem to use turn signals,

    I am not a damn mind reader. Your car is equipped with turn signals for a reason and I'm pretty sure they were covered during driver's ed. Use them. It really helps the people behind you know WTF you are planning on doing, and yes, this includes using them to change lanes.

    Aggravated driver


    Dear IEP Team,

    Do not continue to put me off. You have one more day to notify me of the new IEP meeting. If you fail, I will be contacting you and not only for that. But I will also be contacting you to request a 2nd time for a better tour of DS2's environment (classroom, bathroom, play area outside, cafeteria, and drop off/pick up area), and another request to set up a meeting with the school nurse to get the IHP paperwork started. I'm trying to get my concerns alleviated here people!  Putting me off will just piss me off and do you REALLY want to start out our relationship like that? How about we not do that.

    An already frustrated parent

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