Hello there everybody!! Hope you all had a great week : )
The Adoption Prayer Group is a support group utilizing the power of prayer. If you want to join I will assign you a prayer buddy and all you have to do is simply include that person in your prayers. The complete listing of partners can be found under Prayer Partners. If you?d like to join, have any concerns, special prayer requests, or need to reach me outside of the bump please email me at DaisyZH0505@yahoo.com. New members are always welcome!
Prayer Partners: MitziMooMoo2011 and craincc, DaisyZH and Jdening, Joe?s Sweet Pea and Silliest Bunny, Katybug_h and Jen is Silly, Sugardumpling and Ginger71, babywisher and firecracker8, julandjo and cogbot, GnomeSweetGnome and srmmm09, kellz and Amber, Gracie Sue Nicole and Brenda, Porsha and pinkzebra, Honeydew and Potatohead, MandertheDB and Amy720, Layafette Girl and msamerica, Amyaggie 97 and lizlemmon19, Butterflygroves and Justplanelove.
This Week?s Events: Please post or PM me if you have any praise or prayer requests to share!
Praise: crene84: She brought her daughter home!! Such amazing news, so happy to see this : )!! RachelSonnier: Their home study was approved!! Such great news : ) Amyaggie97: Wonderful praise, the arrival of Baby R! Also so thankful that the heart condition has been corrected : ) MarionB79: DS broke 8lb! They are so excited! The weigh in was 8lb 6oz. : ) They are all doing great! Please keep his BPs in your prayers. Blsd4given: They passed their home study, yay!! : ) Special Prayer Requests: Zanymermaid: She is suffering from migraines. Please pray that she feels better soon. Also please pray for her and her husband, we wish them the absolute best for a happy, healthy and blessed future. Blsd4given: Please pray that her houseguest situation will be resolved as soon as possible. Welcome new members! Please welcome Junebride007!!
Bible Verse: Matthew 11:28-29 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.Question of the day: Do you have siblings or are you an only child? Did you like growing up being the ?baby? of the family or the ?middle child? or an ?only child??
I am an oldest child, I have a younger brother that is 24. I liked being the oldest for the most part, but my brother got away with way more than I did at his age!