Toddlers: 24 Months+

Sesame Place in October?

Has anyone been to Sesame Place this time of year? My daughter and niece both turn 2 this month and we were planning to take them next weekend, just trying to get an idea how bad the crowds are. I know there is an option to buy a $15 head of the line pass but didn't know if it would be worth it this time of year. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!


Re: Sesame Place in October?

  • We have season passes.  I haven't been in October yet, but DH took DD 2 weeks ago and they had a blast.  The kids can go in costume and there are trick-or-treating stations throughout the park.  I wouldn't spend the extra money this time of year for the pass.  DH said there was no wait for the rides. 
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