If you want your personal info to be kept private, it's not a good idea to use the same SNs on public boards such as TB as you do on your other multiple accounts (FB, YouTube, Twitter, Google, etc...), some of which may have full names/contact info.
ETA: Although I'm sure there are others. Not sure as in I know who but that there probably are. I'm not an internet stalker. Just very aware of keeping my info private.
I didn't google until this thread was brought up. I actually never google names of people in my internet circles. Mine is attached to harmless but embarrassing stuff. My fitness pal and Star Wars the Old republic come to mind.
13 hours ago, apparently. She seems to have a lot of trouble with other women being b?tchy and mean. Everyone else must be the problem.
My thoughts exactly. she needs to bust out her secret smokes from the freezer and chill out, yo! Hope she doesn't give one to her LO because of us, you know, since cunty women are responsible for other parents giving terrible things to their children...
I google me SN. Apparently it's the name of Tucker Max's third book. Effing tuckermax.
BAhahahahah... this also comes up on Urban Dictionary "A convenient phrase to use when your story or plan sounded really dumb. It usually doesn't make much sense."
ETA: That first sentence should read "I googled my SN". I don't know how it got so piratey.
The other MrsGoodkat's on Google aren't me, though I wouldn't mind being the one on the weight loss page who weighs 130 and is trying to get down to 125. I haven't been 130 in a few years.
Re: PSA: Screen name advice.
ETA: Although I'm sure there are others. Not sure as in I know who but that there probably are. I'm not an internet stalker. Just very aware of keeping my info private.
probably all of us.
Wow it is female!
ETA. She clearly turns to the internet for friendship more than I do. She also seems easily impressionable. The internet is not a good role model.
Pandas have no known enemies, but I guess hippehpandas do.
I didn't google until this thread was brought up. I actually never google names of people in my internet circles. Mine is attached to harmless but embarrassing stuff. My fitness pal and Star Wars the Old republic come to mind.
I normally wouldn't think about Googling a cray-cray's SN, but when she said she hoped our kids DIAF, all bets were off.
It's not even Bumpies that I'm worried about. This is a public message board, yo. Who knows who is lurking. *shudders*
I googled my SN, too. I'm definitely not alone but none of it's very entertaining.
My thoughts exactly. she needs to bust out her secret smokes from the freezer and chill out, yo! Hope she doesn't give one to her LO because of us, you know, since cunty women are responsible for other parents giving terrible things to their children...
TTC #1 since 8/09, Dx MFI 4/10
IUI #1: 6/10 = Cancelled, IUI #2: 7/10 = Cancelled, IVF #1: 9/10 = BFP
Baby girl arrived - 6/14/11
TTC #2
IVF #2 - Oct/Nov 2012: 11/5 - eSET - 7 Frosties - BFP
Baby girl arrived - 7/17/13
TTC #3
FET #1 6/21/18
Hashtags with ridiculous words/phrases make me twitchy.
#eyelash #curtainrod #totallyforrealyoyaknowwhatimeankids
Burned by the Bear
Yeah those hippie pandas aren't really well liked.
Manda Pandas however, are much nicer.
I did.