Having early intervention come now. They are barely saying more than 10 words. We try to push them to talk when we can but we both work full time so we depend on the daycare to teach them. I don't think they are. it's an in home daycare with supposedly a preschool program!! So we have to take matters into our own hands now.
They turn 2 today! Yay!!
Anyone else have late talkers? Should i not be worried?
Also, i can't get my daughter to sit still for any photos either. My Son is great and looks right at the camera. I don't think i have any photos of her face!! She is a very busy girl but it's starting to worry me. She ignores us when we call her name 90% of the time. She flips through books like a speed racer. Won't let us read it to her. Doesn't point things out in books. Thank god they are getting evaluated.
Thanks for any input you ladies may have
Have a good day! I'm off to work so i'll read later. Thanks!!
Re: We have late talkers...
Happy birthday to your little ones!!
My boys turn 2 on 10/21, and one is saying about 10 words, and the other isn't saying much of anything - he's really attempting to say a couple of words. Twins are always a little behind for some reason in the speech department. I think you made a great decision calling Early Intervention. I called them about a month ago, and since they started working with the boys, one is already starting to make more sounds and attempt more words. I work with them every day (even just for a few minutes) and it seems to be helping. What they will probably tell you to do is make sure you label everything you do, and accentuate your words (e.g. " You want mmmmmmmmmore?? mmmmmmmmore?")
I work outside the house, too, and it can be a huge challenge, but do-able. On Mondays, Wed and Thurs, I work for 11 hours, so they wake up about 20 minutes before I go to work, and when I come home they're already asleep. What I do is talk to them and work with them when I'm changing their diaper. My little guy who doesn't say much of anything is actually trying to say "good day" because I say that to them every morning.
I wouldn't be worried - I'm sure they'll be talking up a storm in 6 months!
Your kids sound completely normal to me. I have late talkers too. They started speech therapy in May, went weekly, and just now (2yrs1m) have about 10-15 words. So I think it's great your kids have that many w/o any therapy!
WRT not sitting still or caring about photos, she sounds like a 2 yr old! Instead of asking her to do things while sitting, when she's playing try asking her to do things w/ movement. Ex. "Can you put that toy in this box?" or ask her to jump/spin around (whatever she likes). That way you'll know she's responding, but it'll be something she's more inclined to do naturally. Hopefully your evaluators will have some good tips for you. They've been really helpful for me.
Thanks Ladies!!! This makes me feel so much better. I'm really excited to have them start the program. Just waiting for them to make the appt for the eval. I actually had them evaluated at 18M as well and they didn't make the cut. Then they started doing better so i waited...now 4 mos later there hasn't been much progress.
Thanks again! You ladies are so helpful!!
Happy early bday to your twins too Shelley!!
I had late talkers too, particularly DS.
We started EI in February at 18m, and it's helped SO much. DS didn't have any words when he started, and now he has hundreds of words and is starting some sentences. He also had receptive language issues. At the evaluation at 18m, he had the receptive language skills of a 9-10 month old, and wouldn't listen to a thing we said. We've worked on that, and it's such an improvement. We still have issues with calling his name several times and him not responding sometimes, but we are working on that and it's just about him learning to divide his attention better.
DD was delayed too, but just barely, and now she's talking up a storm. She often tells me, "No talking, mama. I talk"
Anyway, just wanted to tell you that you're not alone, and hopefully just a bit of speech therapy will help.
I would say we have late talkers although DD is really picking up steam now. My DS is 2 years 4 months and has no words. We just completed our EI evaluations and evaluations with a developmental pediatrician. He has two sessions of speech per week and one session every other week with a special instructor. I would just make sure they evaluate hearing whether you've had infections or not. DS never had an ear infection and we found out in March that he had fluid behind the ear and his hearing was severely impaired. We're still really trying to find out about his hearing but we know that he doesn't have any fluid.
It's great that you're getting them evaluated early and I'm sure that the therapists will give great tips and techniques to help you. And also at this age I think most EI therapies are in the home/ daycare which is so helpful when you're working full time. Good luck to you! Hang in there!