Where are you?

VBAC mamas- where are you? 

 I live near Savannah, GA and I found a practice that does VBACs but they don't seem OVERLY supportive of them. I was just wondering where you are located (if anyone is near me, what doctor did you see?!)

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Re: Where are you?

  • Lafayette, LA

    I'm hoping that maybe I can VBAC with the doc who just delivered Jb&Jb. He's about an hour drive from my house. My OB claims to be pro-VBAC but his screwup is the reason for my c/s (he broke my water without checking DS's position, which was breech).

    DS1: 8/3/10, DD1: 8/17/13, DD2: 8/13/15
    Twins lost to due to partial molar pregnancy: September 2011 
    ~~PAL, PgAL Always Welcome~~
  • I'm near Baltimore, Maryland
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  • imagecgillan:

    Lafayette, LA

    I'm hoping that maybe I can VBAC with the doc who just delivered Jb&Jb. He's about an hour drive from my house. My OB claims to be pro-VBAC but his screwup is the reason for my c/s (he broke my water without checking DS's position, which was breech).

    I have a similar problem.  My OB that delivered Nolan is suppossedly pro VBAC now (she works for the one office I found that does them now- she just switched) but I don't feel comfortable with the decisions she made that lead up to the c-section in the first place. 

    DS's heart rate was dropping while I pushed for an hour, on my back with no epidural and she never suggested getting into another pushing position to alieviate pain for me, alieviate the pressure on his cord that was causing his heart rate to drop and/or help with the pushing.  This still bugs me daily.  It all went too fast for me to question her and I trusted her that she would do everything possible to avoid a c-section but the more I think about it, I just don't think that she did. 

    So now I'm scared to get pregnant.  Big Fat Sigh!

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  • I'm in Baton Rouge, LA

    My doctor is overwhelmingly in support of VBACS.  My previous doctor (in the same practice) probably wouldn't let a patient VBAC if the baby was halfway out the vagina anyway.  I took a risk by staying within the same practice with a chance that my previous doctor could have been on call when I delivered.  I was pretty much guaranteed by my new doctor that he would be there to attend my delivery, and he was.  He checked in on me at least 4-5 times during his office hours before it was even time for me to push (in fact he even checked on me before I was admitted). 

    If you question your doctor's dedication to your cause in the slightest, I personally think its best to try to find a new one (that is, unless the one you're with is the only one around who will even entertain your plans of VBAC).  You need to go into this with no doubts, and as much confidence that you and your doctor are convinced you can succeed.


    cgillian:  I hope your husband gets on board with you traveling to see the doctor you want!  I absolutely adore Dr. Dickerson.  I know I've gone on and on and gushed about him, but he truly is made it happen for me.

  • I live near Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
  • imageJb&Jb:

    I'm in Baton Rouge, LA

    My doctor is overwhelmingly in support of VBACS.  My previous doctor (in the same practice) probably wouldn't let a patient VBAC if the baby was halfway out the vagina anyway.  I took a risk by staying within the same practice with a chance that my previous doctor could have been on call when I delivered.  I was pretty much guaranteed by my new doctor that he would be there to attend my delivery, and he was.  He checked in on me at least 4-5 times during his office hours before it was even time for me to push (in fact he even checked on me before I was admitted). 

    If you question your doctor's dedication to your cause in the slightest, I personally think its best to try to find a new one (that is, unless the one you're with is the only one around who will even entertain your plans of VBAC).  You need to go into this with no doubts, and as much confidence that you and your doctor are convinced you can succeed.


    cgillian:  I hope your husband gets on board with you traveling to see the doctor you want!  I absolutely adore Dr. Dickerson.  I know I've gone on and on and gushed about him, but he truly is made it happen for me.

    I'm thinking at this point that it's gonna go along the lines of if you want anymore children this is how it is going to be. I'm just glad that you had such a good experience with him so that I have someone who can refer me to a truly good VBAC doc. 

    DS1: 8/3/10, DD1: 8/17/13, DD2: 8/13/15
    Twins lost to due to partial molar pregnancy: September 2011 
    ~~PAL, PgAL Always Welcome~~
  • I am outside of Philadelphia.  You have to really look for a truly supportive VBAC provider here.  I found a great one and I am sticking with her:-)
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