August 2011 Moms

3 Things (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)

The good: Walmart now sells ovulation tests for $0.88 for those of you who like to keep track of that stuff. 

The bad: On this trip to Walmart, as has happened so many times before, I was blocked from my car by a large SUV who's owner clearly is not in command of their vehicle. It would be so nice if the DMV required a driving test be passed before you can legally own an SUV. I figure, if you can't even park the thing, how on EARTH are you supposed to safely navigate it while driving? I'm convinced the crummy parkers are the same people who float into other lanes with no turn signal or regard for the fact that there is another car in the lane. (I used to drive an SUV so I know it is possible to park within the marked stall.)

The ugly: That 14-year old who murdered her baby and then the mother discovered it in a box. I mean, I get being scared to be pregnant, but she visciously killed that innocent baby. Child or not, she is a monster.  


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