Everyone keeps saying maybe LO isn't ready - and I'm fully willing to accept that if that is the case.
So what are the signs that they aren't ready?
LO wakes up from naps and bedtime dry.
He won't tell us when he's gone in his diaper and he doesn't care to be changed.
When we tell him he has to try going on the potty, etc., he literally says "I don't want to poop on the potty. I want to poop in my diaper".
I feel like he's cognitively ready since he can tell us he doesn't want to. I also don't want to push him but he'll be 3 in December and we have a new baby due in January, so it would be nice to only have one set of diapers to change
Thanks in advance for the advice!
Re: What ARE the signs they are ready to PT?
I'd say those things mean he's not ready. If he doesn't care if he's wet or dirty, then he's likely not going to care if he goes in his underwear. You can't really force a child to sit on the potty, and even if you can hold them down, you can't force them to actually go. I can sit DD2 on the potty, but if she doesn't feel like going, she'll just hold it and hold it until she wants to go.
I started potty training both girls when they started telling me they had to go, and their diaper was still dry.
Kids really have to be interested in using the potty or it won't work.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
I kind of think that since he's aware of pooping in his diaper and able to talk about it that he IS ready. My son also says he doesn't "want" to go in the potty but if I put him on he will go, then I make a huge deal about it and call him a big boy, etc. I also read him lots of potty books and got the Elmo DVD called "Elmo's Potty Time". He loves Elmo. My ped told me that as soon as he goes on the potty one time to put him right in underwear. Diapers nowadays make it way too comfortable for them because they're so absorbent. I just posted about my son's daycare's approach and will keep you posted if it works. He starts wearing underwear today!
BFP#1 - 11/27/09 EDD 8/5/10, DS1 arrived 7/24/10 via emergency c-section.
BFP#2 - 6/18/12 EDD 2/23/13, sweet baby girl born sleeping on 10/4/12 at 19 weeks, 3 days.
BFP #3 - 1/18/13 EDD 10/1/13, natural mc on 2/2/13 at 5 weeks, 4 days.
BFP #4 - 8/29/13 EDD 5/12/14, our sweet rainbow, DS2 born 4/29/14 via c-section
DD is in the exact same place as your DS, and I tend to agree with Angela814. We have tried and tried to get her more interested but she just...isn't. I'm taking a total PT break right now and even put the potty seats away -- she doesn't even care. She is just not ready, as much as I would like her to be.
She told me not too long ago that she will use the potty when she is 41.
i use babycenter and other websites to get hints on all kinds of things. When it came to getting ready for potty training i looked up info. They have a checklist .
On it are items under Physical, Behavioral, and Cognitive Signs. At first my son wasn't doing many of them, so i always talked up about using the potty, without pushing him to use it. If he had to go with me into a store restroom , i would talk about how i was a big girl using the potty. And if Daddy was in the potty i would talk about how daddy was a big boy. THat way it gave him some kind of goal. Then when he was doing most of the things on the list, at least the ones that i thought were important on there, i started him on the potty in underwear. He gets stickers on a chart as a reward. This week has been our main starter week and he has only had one accident, at the begining. And since has done great. Even on car rides.
Bar tab = $156,000, Bus to Foxwoods = $0, Puking in the Stanley Cup = Priceless