
Vanishing Twin?

I posted this in the May board, but someone suggested I try here. I just got back from the doctor's office a little while ago. They did an early u/s because I had a tiny amount of spotting and some pain in the left side. I think they did it just to make me feel better. Good and bad news. Technically it's a twin pregnancy, but they couldn't find the heartbeat for baby A. Baby B's heartbeat was 131. Also they said I was 6 weeks 1 day. I thought I was 6 weeks 5 days. They said the baby was measuring between 5 weeks 5 days and 6 weeks 1 day. They said they got two different measurements. I don't really understand that. However they felt the baby was measuring on track. Although I feel it's behind. So I'm conflicted in my feelings. Happy Baby B is "fine". Sad about baby A. I go back on October 9th still. So we'll see what happens. Any hope for baby A?

Re: Vanishing Twin?

  • I can't speak from experience, but I think other ladies on here will tell you that 6 weeks is still kind of early for a heartbeat, so there is hope. Either way, congratulations and I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy, whether it is one baby or two.
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  • Yup, still early. We went in at 6w2d and were told we had a 50/50 shot that Baby B would stick around for the long haul -- there was no hb at that point, and she was measuring slightly behind (or, as well as they can measure when they're that flippin' small!)

    Went back in two weeks later, and both babies were there thriving -- and today are measuring basically exactly on target.

    Basically, at this point, it is what it is -- give it more time, and they'll be able to have a much better idea of what's going on in there. ;) 

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  • I think it's still early.  I had a vanishing triplet??  We thought twins & at my 8 week and first u/s, we found two heartbeats, but another sack with no heartbeat.  It already looked like it was disappearing.  It didn't look like the other two babies.  A week later at MFM you could barely see anything other than the dividing sack & a small something in it while the other two (identical) were thriving.  This baby would have been fraternal...  So vanishing for me happened super fast & if yours looked so great I pray & feel like you'll see that hb next time!!!  6 weeks is too early sometimes!!!  Fingers crossed & thoughts & prayers for you!!! 
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  • I was tracking my cycle with OPK's (which aren't nearly as accurate as temping and that could easily account for the difference) and they gave me a due date 3 days later then what I thought it should be so don't let the discrepancy in dates freak you out.  Good luck!
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  • At 6 weeks I had three heartbeats and two sacs. At 8 weeks I had four heartbeats and the fifth sac was gone.
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  • I think it's too early!  We had two heart beats at 6 weeks and 5 days but I have heard several ladies on the bump go in and not have two heart beats until between 7 and 8 weeks.



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  • I'm in exact same boat as u. Baby a heartbeat 7 wks, baby b no hb 6 wks 1 day. Go back oct 1 baby a 8 wks to check baby b. Had u/s the week prior baby a was 6 weeks w/ hb and b was just a sac measuring 5 weeks... so baby b grew but still no hb. This early hard to tell, but its tough playing the waiting game! I hope both our second twins pull through, good luck!
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