Not sure if you've been following our insurance saga on FB, but apparently it's another way to confirm that she has obstructive sleep apnea since BCBS keeps denying the adenotonsillectomy our ENT recommended.
Yep that's where Bryce goes. He sees dr poplar for his asthma and we will be seeing dr montgomery the sleep doctor at the end of October. He's extremely difficult to get an appointment with. I made the october 23rd appt back in July. Our ENT dr bathka set up the sleep study for us both times. Dr montgomery read it both times but we never had to actually see him until now. Is there a reason you have to see the first?
We have bcbs pos and haven't had issues. But our ENT made us do the sleep study before he would do the adenoids and tonsil removal on bryce. If I remember right he told me they always do it for patients under 3. Bailey had his adenoids out when he got his 2nd set of tubes and we didn't have to do the sleep study. I have to take bailey on Thursday to see our ENT about getting his tonsils out though bc they are causing him issues.
I hope you get it worked out. Bryce's sleep apnea was really bad before his tonsils and adenoids came out. He now has mild sleep apnea and that's the reason our ENT has preferred us to the sleep doctor which bryce's pulominary doctor agrees with.
Re: Georgia Pediatric Pulmonology Associates
We have bcbs pos and haven't had issues. But our ENT made us do the sleep study before he would do the adenoids and tonsil removal on bryce. If I remember right he told me they always do it for patients under 3. Bailey had his adenoids out when he got his 2nd set of tubes and we didn't have to do the sleep study. I have to take bailey on Thursday to see our ENT about getting his tonsils out though bc they are causing him issues.
I hope you get it worked out. Bryce's sleep apnea was really bad before his tonsils and adenoids came out. He now has mild sleep apnea and that's the reason our ENT has preferred us to the sleep doctor which bryce's pulominary doctor agrees with.