
My hair is boring

Time to color it!! I am thinking blue (it's what I have on hand). I can't deal with the boring brown anymore. I am not used to having my hair the same color longer than a month. Well, here goes nothing. Have a fun friday night!!
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Re: My hair is boring

  • I have boring brown with gray.  It's long enough now that it's *almost* long enough to donate, so I'm gonna wait for a bit.  When I do cut it though, I'm gonna do something FUN!  Party!!!
  • imagecrystalbaby:
    I can't dye my hair anymore Crying and I'm getting grays. I dyed my hair black too many times when I was younger and developed a severe allergy to whatever chemical/coloring they put in brown and black dyes. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't like light hair on myself.

    Have you tried Henna??

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  • Where the heck is the rest of my comment???  I can't wait to see how it turns out!

    Also, crystalbaby - have you done the semi-permanents?  Or glosses or whatever they are?

  • I've always wanted to have blue hair, but I don't think I would look good with blue hair. :-/ 

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  • imagesofamonkey:
    Where the heck is the rest of my comment???nbsp; I can't wait to see how it turns out!Also, crystalbaby have you done the semipermanents?nbsp; Or glosses or whatever they are?

    Yeah, it should be interesting. I have never used this brand of blue before. I just had DH up here to help me with the bleach. That was a riot!!

    Well, on the bright side I will be easy to spot tomorrow!
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  • imagecrystalbaby:
    What brand of funky colors do you prefer? Manic Panic bleeds and fades so fast. I don't know if they even make that anymore. It's been awhile since I've dyed my hair. I might have to go funky if I get too much gray.

    I have a cosmetology license. So all the ones I use are pro colors. However I use joico, scruples, and pravana brands of water based funky colors. They don't fade much or very slowly, the colors turn out vibrant, but they do bleed at first.
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  • Woot! I finally had to color over the top of my pink head with brown, but I left the bottom-most layer pink. I'm going to let it fade a bit more, and then color over the bleached stuff with turquoise and then do dark blue on the tips. :D Mermaid hair!
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  • imageNastyAnnie:
    Woot! I finally had to color over the top of my pink head with brown, but I left the bottom-most layer pink. I'm going to let it fade a bit more, and then color over the bleached stuff with turquoise and then do dark blue on the tips. :D Mermaid hair!

    I just did my whole head. DH doesn't like two toned. Makes me sadsies.

    However, it's done. It looks really cool, but my skin in blue!! I don't know how this always happens. I really just need a jar of vaseline in my house for my face and neck for coloring.

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  • Crystalbaby what about an auburn color? I haven't died my hair in about 6 or 7 years. Now I'm noticing some gray so I may have to start. But since I'm not very courageous in the dye department it will have to be a color close to my original:/
  • imageMoonlitPlumeria:

    I've always wanted to have blue hair, but I don't think I would look good with blue hair. :-/ 

    Ditto, I'd look terrible. 

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  • Ok, random question. If you dye your hair at home does your stylist ever say anything to you about it? I want to dye my hair an auburn color because I'm so bored with mine. But, I feel weird paying someone to cut my hair then dying it myself. But having it professionally dyed just costs too much. 
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  • imageCookiecake7:
    Ok, random question. If you dye your hair at home does your stylist ever say anything to you about it? I want to dye my hair an auburn color because I'm so bored with mine. But, I feel weird paying someone to cut my hair then dying it myself. But having it
    professionally dyed just costs too
    They don't need to know you're going home to dye your hair after the cut. Why would you feel weird? Do you feel weird just doing it or weird like you're going behind their backs?
  • imageshanado:
    Ok, random question. If you dye your hair at home does your stylist ever say anything to you about it? I want to dye my hair an auburn color because I'm so bored with mine. But, I feel weird paying someone to cut my hair then dying it myself. But having it professionally dyed just costs too much. 
    They don't need to know you're going home to dye your hair after the cut. Why would you feel weird? Do you feel weird just doing it or weird like you're going behind their backs?

    Well, I tend to go to the same person for a long time so I can form a relationship with them (I just left my last lady after 7 years.) So, I feel weird going behind their backs doing something that is part of their livelihood I guess 

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  • I get that but how often do you get a cut? I say do it and go once a year for a coloring. It's crazy expensive to go every couple of months.
  • imageCookiecake7:
    Ok, random question. If you dye your hair at home does your stylist ever say anything to you about it? I want to dye my hair an auburn color because I'm so bored with mine. But, I feel weird paying someone to cut my hair then dying it myself. But having it professionally dyed just costs too much. 

    Typically we ask if you use box color. Mostly because box colors can have reactions to certain chemicals and can be difficult to get rid of later. It's part of a new client worksheet at my old salon. I ask on the reg, more so if it's black (the bane of my existence, box black). Anyways, it normally isn't a problem though. I would steer you away from a box color and go to Sally's and use a creme based pro color (or as pro as they get there). I do all of my family and friends for the cost of color and tip. Like my mom spends about 30$ to get her hair cut and colored by me once every 6 weeks, and I use Matrix color. Another option is getting your hair colored at a beauty school. We used to charge like 20$ for an all over color at mine.

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  • Nana, I want to see your hair now! I am such a plain person I could never pull off funky colors.

    I think I'm gonna go for the hombre look next month (which I've already kinda got going on since my roots are so bad.)

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