Two Under 2

Halfway there...

The closer I get to my due date (my doctor says he thinks I'm 22 weeks now, but we won't know for sure until Wednesday) the less excited I am about this baby getting here Sad

With my son, I was shocked and scared, but by the second trimester, I was so excited, and just wanted my due date to come as fast as possible so that I could meet him, but this time around it just feels so different. The closer it gets, the more I realize how much I'm going to have on my plate, and I just don't feel ready to be halfway through this pregnancy yet!

I feel awful feeling anything but excitement for this baby Sad

Re: Halfway there...

  • Hang in there. I think this is a normal feeling!

    I am feeling the exact same way. Im 20 weeks almost 21 weeks also. I too felt the same way with my first pregnancy.. although I enjoyed it I could not wait until our little guy was here. Now were pregnant again.. our little guy is only 8 months old and time is flying by. And everyday Im excited but oh so nervous and stressed about the upcoming months. You are not alone but I think no matter what, we will love our new bundles of joy with immense amounts of love and as mothers (and fathers) we will adapt to our new environment and lifestyle.

    I hope I helped a little!

    image     image  image
       Maverick James 01.07.2012                  * Married 01.23.2010 *                     Harper Skye 01.24.2013

  • I just got my BFP for Baby#2 yesterday.  It's exactly what I wanted but now, a day later, I'm thinking I must be insane.  I'm almost 39 and the thought of juggling 2 under 2 at almost 40 is unreal.

    Hang in there!

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  • My two are 23 months apart and I still thought I had ruined their lives!! I felt everything you've described and more... and now I'm back to do it again since my girls are THE BEST of friends!!! Lexy adores Nadylie and would do ANYTHING for her to be happy. Just try to relax and enjoy your time with just you and DS... it is an amazing thing to see 
    Hugs Momma!!
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  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who's not only excited!

    Some days I look at babies and just can't wait! Then others I look at my son and realize he's still so much of a baby himself, and can't picture him being a big brother yet!

  • I felt that way even more so, I ended up in therapy because my feelings were so strong. But now my youngest is 4 months my middle is 22 months and it's hard but so great. I wouldn't choose 2u2 but my boys are great together already.
    Your feelings are normal abd your not alone, it will be ok. I know once my youngest was born I loved him as much as any of my other boys, he is so sweet and perfect.
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