do you have for your LO for fall/winter season?
I'm notorious for never thinking I have enough then realizing I have too much! What do you think is a reasonable amount of shirts, pants, socks, shoes, boots, sweaters, lightweight jacket, winter jackets, jammies to have for the new season?
Re: how many new outfits
I have tons. Like a closet full!
She probably has 20 shirts, 12 pants, 6 dresses, 7 pjs, more shoes and socks in a tote I care to count, umpteen snowsuits, 3 winterjackets.
However, The outside gear is all handmedowns. The rest I bought becuase I wanted her to have cute, new, fits well clothes for winter. We also have multiple changes a day from barn to daycare/in the house, maybe out and finally bed.
I don't have an exact number but I do know that I have ALOT more stuff for this winter than I did for last winter and this summer. I bought a ton of stuff last spring from winter clearance for super cheap and then my MIL keeps buying outfits for LO. He definately has more pj's. I think he has 2 cotton sleepers and 5 fleece sleepers.
I did get some things for just play Hanes brand for when he plays outside and I won't care if he ruins. And then I have alot of nicer outfits too. I also figure he will wear these clothes for longer since he's stopped growing so fast so thats how I justify having so much for him this season lol.
He also has 2 winter jackets..also bought on clearance.....and like 6 fleece jackets/hoodies.
Not enough. Somewhere between 6-10 new outfits, I haven't taken stock in a while. The problem is, I started buying early when fall/winter items were on clearance and I bought everything 24m/2T. Once she started really running around, her weight seemed to even out and now 18m sizes (she's been in since 9m old!) are starting to be a little baggy on her, so 24m would just fall right off.
Now I have to start picking up a couple warm 18m sizes just to get through the next couple months. It's already getting cold here in CT.
Spontaneous pregnancy #1
DD1 July 31, 2011
Trying for #2 since Oct 11
Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!!
House / Baby blog
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)

This exactly. I didn't go as crazy as last year, but I still bought way too much stuff. As always.