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Finn or Finley? (mn Thomas)
Is Finley more feminine?
I prefer Finley or Finlay.
I do not consider it to be feminine whatsoever.
Joy2611:mj.reilly:I like the longer version, Finnegan, personally. Looooove Finnegan! But, of your two choices, I vote Finn.
mj.reilly:I like the longer version, Finnegan, personally.
I like the longer version, Finnegan, personally.
Looooove Finnegan!
But, of your two choices, I vote Finn.
BFP 11/09 - DD 7/10 - BFP 8/11 - M/C 9/11 - BFP 6/12 - DD - 2/13
LOVE Finn and Finnegan for a boy.
I've seen Finley as a girl name a lot lately and it's NMS.
I don't like Finley on a boy or a girl, but here are some 2011 stats to help you decide whether it is too girl-associated for your taste:
Finley: 874 girls, 502 boys
Finnley: 85 girls, 108 boys
Finlee: 36 girls
Finleigh: 26 girls
Finlay: 10 girls, 35 boys
Finnleigh: 9 girls
Phinley: 8 girls
Finn: 16 girls, 1,078 boys
Finnegan: 6 girls, 546 boys
Finnian: 132 boys
Finnigan: 59 boys
There's also Phineas.
Re: Finn v Finley
I prefer Finley or Finlay.
I do not consider it to be feminine whatsoever.
BFP 11/09 - DD 7/10 - BFP 8/11 - M/C 9/11 - BFP 6/12 - DD - 2/13
LOVE Finn and Finnegan for a boy.
I've seen Finley as a girl name a lot lately and it's NMS.
I don't like Finley on a boy or a girl, but here are some 2011 stats to help you decide whether it is too girl-associated for your taste:
Finley: 874 girls, 502 boys
Finnley: 85 girls, 108 boys
Finlee: 36 girls
Finleigh: 26 girls
Finlay: 10 girls, 35 boys
Finnleigh: 9 girls
Phinley: 8 girls
Finn: 16 girls, 1,078 boys
Finnegan: 6 girls, 546 boys
Finnian: 132 boys
Finnigan: 59 boys
There's also Phineas.
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