Just the other day I said how LO's only word was DOG. Well her vocabulary has expanded! I think DH and I just weren't LISTENING to her!
She now says:
Mama (and knows it's me!)
Dada (and knows it's him - she even called to him from her crib this AM!)
Cheese - sounds like ch-sssss
Backpack (we named a Little People this, haha) - bah-bah
Nose - sounds like NO
Noah (another Little People) - sounds like NO
Lotion - lalala (every night when I put her lotion on, I say "la la la lotion!" over and over. Now when it's lotion time, she starts saying la la la).
Seat - I had folded down a seat in the backseat of the car and she was so confused and kept pointing at it, asking, "da? da?" so I kept saying SEAT, that's the SEAT. So she said sssssttttsssss. Ha! I'm totally counting it! Now when she gets in the car, she says ssstttssss.
That's all I can think of for now.
What are some weird things your LOs say?
And what are some of the (strange) names you've given LO's toys?
Re: words!
Pregnant with Letrazole (Femara) on the first cycle with DD after TTC 2+ years
TTC#2 with Letrazole (Femara) since January 2012
BFP 06.29.12 EDD 03.11.13 natural m/c 07.13.12
BFP 09.22.12 EDD 05.31.13 natural m/c 10.07.12
CP 11.09.12
BFP 01.01.13 EDD 09.15.13 d&c 01.24.13
BFP 03.26.13 EDD 12.04.13
<a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Pregnancy"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt1d0e64" alt=" Pregnancy Ticker" border="0" /></a>
I feel like all of a sudden, every day, she says something new. So far we have:
Mama; Dada; DeeDee (Emme - her sister); nana (banana); ish (fish); emo (Nemo); Amma (Amma is what we call my mom - DD#1 started it when she couldn't say Grandma); Elmo (every time she sees her diapers she says it - there is the pic of Elmo on the back of Pampers Cruisers); Up; Ball; and she says "Ich" for something yucky.
She also says the sounds of many animals: Roar, Woof, e-ow, eeee (for tweet), oooo (moo), and my favorite is she makes a raspberry type sound for elephant.