Fun story:
Work boy meets work girl. Boy and girl flirt endlessly via emails and in person for 2+ weeks. Boy asks girl out to dinner.
One hour into the dinner boy tells girl he's engaged to be married. Boy then tells girl she's beautiful, and that he couldn't help himself for flirting with her.
Re: Grossed out.
Burned by the Bear
I'm Work Girl. He's new here. No one knew he was engaged, AT ALL. Douchenasty apparently told Fiancee about me too! I don't know her, only her first name, or otherwise I would definitely be sending them to her, and apologizing for flirting with him (even though I didn't know about her).
Way to make me feel guilty for not doing anything, Work Boy.
They don't. And I tried to snoop on Facebook, to no avail (I'm not friends with him, or anyone, from work on Facebook).
I looked pretty hard, but couldn't find him. He's an IT guy, so I'm sure he's got some ridiculous blocks on there too.
Eww he's a jerk, I'm sorry you had to deal with this douche.
However, I think this is a fabulous way to show him how much you appreciate him leading you on. My first stops would be Bed, Bath & Beyond, Target and Macy's.
You should totally do it!
This is a fantaasmic idea.