Hi I am so excited to find this board. It did not exist when I was going through this with DS. My DS was diagnosed with MSPI at 2 months. He will be 3yrs old next month and still can't tolerate either. I EBF DS for 18months on the elimination diet. I am expecting baby #2. I am alittle nervous as I have heard that siblings tend to have the same thing. Is this always the case? Should I start the elimination diet a few weeks before delivery to make sure its out of my system or should I wait and see? My heart breaks when I think of the torture DS went through for the 2 months it took to diagnose MSPI and I knew something was wrong with him but the doctors kept telling me everything was ok. I don't want to cause this LO any of those same discomforts but obviously if she doesn't have it then how will I know if I'm eliminating from the start? Any advice?
Re: STM+ MSPI advice
My DD1 didn't have mspi issues and my DD2 did.
I have heard that some women will cut dairy/soy out of their diet a month or so before they are due and then slowly introduce it to see if their lo reacts. If we have a 3rd baby I will most likely go this route as it was torture waiting for it to clear my and DD2's system. It was 6 weeks of fussy and if I can prevent that and introduce it I would much rather go that route.
Goodbye little angel(7/22/2011)....see you in heaven
Goodbye my second angel (9/18/2011)
DD1 is allergic to dairy and soy (and eggs). She was fine on my breastmilk though. DD2 is MSPI, and it took a good 5 wks for her poop to go back to normal once I'd cut dairy and soy from my diet. I knew DD2 would be at higher risk for having allergies since DD1 does, but since I didn't have to change my diet for DD1, I opted to maintain my usual diet prior to having DD2. Then she started having MSPI symptoms at 2 wks of age. Her symptoms finally cleared once I'd been dairy and soy free for 5 wks. If I could do it all over again, I would change my diet a month before having DD2 to save her the misery she went through the first couple months of her life.
If you do change your diet, at some point, you can trial dairy and soy and see if LO reacts or not. If LO reacts, you know to avoid those foods. You won't have it built up in your system and have to wait weeks for it to clear, like pp said.
DD1: allergic to eggs & dairy
c/p 4/1/11
DD2: milk and soy protein intolerant, allergic to eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, bananas
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